US Election 2024

Well, you can never ask one for an answer, as a radical on either side of the spectrum you will only ever see the opposite as radical and will be in complete denial that their own beliefs are radical. If you are moderate on a fair amount of subject matter, then you will be able to identify radicals on both sides. And by me answering obviously infers that I am not a radical on a fair amount of subjects :innocent:

As others have mentioned, a radical is dependant on geography as they don’t correlate well across borders.

While I might agree with most of your post, I have to point this out as its essentially a miss direction (being polite). He is not a anti-vax, he is anti-covid-vax, literally 2 different things that have been combined to purposefully label dissenters into conspiracy theorists. Its much easier to say someone is a anti-vax even though he is not anti measles vax, anti-mumps vax, anti-polio vax, anti-…, you get the picture. That being said, he does have some out there (being polite) theories about Covid and that particular vaccine.

No, he is anti-vax. The video I posted quoted him and then showed him saying that he doesn’t believe any vaccination is safe. He does saying he would leave the choice up to parents but in the words of Austin Powers - “Whoopdie-doo Basil”.

To be honest, didn’t watch the video, just remember reading an article where he stated he was not anti vax, but that’s all politicians in a nutshell, say 1 thing to you and another behind your back.

He has been yelling that vaccines cause autism for at least 10 years. Covid just gave him a more prominent bandwagon.


This isn’t making the point you think it is making.

Abortion has become an animating issue in elections because a fringe right group has managed to push through changes to the status quo that means medical procedures that are unfortunately required in significant number of wanted pregnancies are now either drastically restricted in lots of the country or outright unavailable. This is not a theoretical issue but the new practical reality that women all across the country are now faced with the prospect of a failed pregnancy making them sterile oir killing them, all because what is otherwise considered routine medical care has been withheld from them.

The people who brought in these changes are very open about their intention to keep going…expanding these restrictions geographically, and even pushing them into banning contraceptives. This is extreme stuff and it is an incredible commitment to reactionary centrism to act like opposition to this makes one similarly extreme on the other side and is a position that can only be held by someone who just has done absolutely nothing to learn anything about the reality of the situation.

For generations abortion has been an aminating issue for only a section on the right and attempts to match that from the left was faced with ridicule. Now the religious right have chipped away enough that people’s reality have been turned upside down it has now become an animating issue for the most normie or normie voter.


If this is your perspective, why would you put such little effort into vetting Kennedy’s defenses of himself before deciding that was enough to correct someone else’s criticism of him?

Even ignoring Covid, Kennedy has a long history of anti vax rhetoric. He will often do the dishonest 2-step when pressed to appear that he’s not against vaccines per so but just has some pointed concerns, but the bad arguments he presents for his skepticism and the totality of the body work makes it not credible to refer to him as anything but anti vax. One example is his objection to Thimerosal. Ignoring that concern over this ingredient was a fringe position in itself, if this was a genuinely held concern that was the basis of his skepticism, then its removal from US vaccines would surely have assuaged his skepticism, right?. Of course it fucking didn’t though, and it didn’t because he’s full of shit, as demonstrated by his continued reference to his concerns over its effects even after it was removed from the vaccines he was urging caution against.

Among his other hits

  • Advancing the MMR-autism link long after the scientific community determined that the original Wakefield study could not be replicated
  • Refusing to acknowledge the initial link was only demonstrated by virtue of research fraud and continuing to push an idea there is literally no basis for.
  • Arguing the Polio vaccine caused cancer, which is an incredibly dishonest and easy to refute description of a real case of contamination of a batches of vaccine used in the 50s, but that showed no association with cancer prevalence.
  • Arguing that he’d be ok with vaccines if only they did safety and efficacy studies, ignoring that of course they fucking do that, and then continuing to move the goal posts to misrepresent how advances on existing treatments are tested and doing so to make it appear to people that they are not well tested.

His comments about the Covid vaccines are perfectly in line with everything he has said about vaccines over the past 20 years.


Amazing stuff. Dems are initially more inclined to say they’d consider voting for him than Republicans are, but about half of both groups are unfamiliar with his anti vax positions. Once informed of that, consideration of him drops among Dems and rises among Republicans making Dems half as likely to consider him :joy:

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Limited amount of time to double check and research everything I am interested in, sorry.

Doesn’t it concern you that you have such strong beliefs on thin information?


My comment was more focused on the “before deciding that was enough to correct someone” part of the question.


Compelling read about how much political damage Biden (and Democrats in general) is sustaining right now.

The framing of ‘between genocide and a ban, I will take the ban’ is disastrous for Biden, and Michigan is absolutely a state the Democrats need to hold. A more palatable Republican candidate could tip the state for a generation

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Assuming we have a ceasefire and some kind of resolution sometime soon do you see those attitudes softening in time to save Biden’s skin ?

I really have no idea how entrenched that is - I haven’t lived in Michigan for over 30 years, so really don’t have much sense of it anymore. I know that is a fairly culturally conservative community. On the other hand, Tlaib clearly has very deep roots and respect in that community, so armed with some kind of resolution she might be critical for some re-focusing.

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I really think its a false alarm, and more of a pressure tactic in order to get him to act. I doubt they go to Trump. The not voting and/or spoiler votes on the candidate election was more of a threat, and I don’t think will reflect on election day. The same goes for the university protesters, who first of all probably wont vote anyway, and definitely wont vote for Trump.

They don’t have to vote for Trump. Just abstaining hurts Biden.
He really needs some positive news from the Middle East asap.

As do we all.

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Example 456 that the biggest divide in US politics is not left vs right, it is informed vs having no idea wtf is going on



As a black man born and raised in Illinois and always voting democrat my entire life, that won’t be happening this election year. A good majority of my family and close friends feel the same way.

Why? Do you really want Trumpists in power?

Maybe some people see beyond trumpists and actually believe a new administration can do a better job than is being done now, in his particular case. You make it sound like he and his family and close friends are voting on the person and not the issues.