US Election 2024

A quick look through his post history shows that it is because he’s a lunatic.


You a brave person admitting that in this thread, good on you for sticking your neck out.

Do you really think that Trump II would be just another presidency? Have you not heard what he’s promising? Did you miss the part where his supporters stormed the Capitol because of his totally unfounded claims?
He is openly threatening the most repressive administration in US history and you aren’t listening.


In American politics, people do vote for the individual and not the policies.

In the UK I always voted for a government, based on the manifesto, and what they were setting out to do. Here in America it is much more personality driven, and the facts about what they say they will do don’t really factor into it.

Last time Trump said he would replace the Affordable Care Act with something better.
He didn’t do it.

He said he would build a wall.
He didn’t do it.

He said Mexico would pay.
They didn’t.


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Did a good job of cozying up to dictators, packing the courts with unqualified sycophants and winning contracts for Trump hotels though.


There are quite a lot of people that do, and there are quite a lot of people that look at things that are important to them, and generally speaking it’s something along the lines of “Was I better off, or are things going the way I like it”. In order for someone to always vote Republican or Democrat, and then switch, is saying something about 1. The party they not voting for and/or the party they are voting for.

Anyone is entitled to switch who they wish to vote for. It’s a free country.

For the purpose of engagement, and understanding, more info should be given. So… in light of all we know about Trump, to date - and it’s a lot - what draws you in, such that you (and a lot of people you know) want to vote for him?

That’s a fair question to want an answer to.

In the case of @LuisSuarez I think his post history shows his journey. He’s someone who two years ago said he hopes for an AOC presidency but today says he would never vote Democrat again - with the causal effect seeming to be that he is against the military industrial complex which has led him down a road of being against US support for Ukraine, pro-Israel and namechecking George Soros (who just so happens to be the most referred to bad guy of places like InfoWars).

I’ll bet his switching of allegiance from Democrat to Republican is not because of policy or people, it’s because he slipped down a Youtube rabbit-hole that led him right to the door of conspiracy theorists and right-wing nutjobs. A steady diet of InfoWars or similar.

Of course if he responds to this he’ll deny all that, say it was a level headed decision that he came to without any influence from outside sources but it’s very convenient that he is now repeatedly hinting at the same conspiracy theories driven by those sources.


It’s a fair assessment.

Obviously the chap can engage and show his working if he prefers.

BLM protested, then got hijacked by lunatics and rioted. The capital protest was calm until it got hijacked by lunatics and they rioted, Palestinian protests started, then got hijacked by lunatics and rioted. Do you see the trend? I trust the process of democracy and I don’t believe he is a threat, and I don’t think he could do anything about it if he was.

Every politician says a lot of things. If he gets elected I think it will be about the same as his first term, hopefully without the Covid. Will he overthrow the government? No. Will he run for a third term even though he cant? No. Will he outlaw abortion? No. Will he kick out every immigrant? No, impossible, and he has already said the LEGAL immigrants are needed, as well as seasonal workers that are critical. Will he cancel Biden stuff like student loan forgiveness? Yes. Will he removed policies that are threatening woman’s sports? Yes.
Some things will be bad, some will be good, some will be indifferent. It’s all subject to you stance on the particular issue, and not everyone will hate everything and not everyone will love everything. Fairy tales don’t exist.

The GOP. The party of small government.

Wading into reproductive health, and women’s sports… :joy:

Meanwhile, Russia does what it likes. Israel does what it likes. Etc.

But that high school swimmer… is it a he, or a she? Let’s throw the might of government at it.


I seriously don’t have time to search someones post history, unless its about youth players, and then I search a particular poster that knows what they are talking about. Not sure that the fuckers name is.

There are a lot of people in this thread that would never vote republican not matter who the candidate is. Its sort of like a Bill Maher, he can look objectively, hate on the Democrats for doing stupid stuff, like a republican for suggesting sensible stuff, yet will NEVER vote republican, and the best thing he would say about Trump is that he has energy (albeit compared to Biden). It happens in politics most of the time, everywhere, so why should it be different here. The rose tinted glasses stuff is tedious though. Take them off and maybe suggest Biden is a step away from being senile (or choose your own criticism), while you continuously harp on about how evil Trump is. Not referencing you in particular.

Let’s hope the democrats stay in power then, because damn, they have restricted Russia and Israel very effectively.

The Trump/Biden era I think, unfortunately, is the death knell for the idea that doing good things is the path to reelection. The press just doesn’t cover it and so the average person has very little means to understand how what the president is doing, or not doing, is affecting them.

The result is no one is actually voting on policy. They are voting on issues, sure, but their take on them (as shown in conversations like this) is typically utterly disconnected from the track record of the incumbent (or in this case, the track record of both of them) or credible analyses of what they each want to do. We have people saying inflation is bad, yet want to punish the guy who led our economy through the best response of any major economy to a global inflationary period, and reward the guy demanding expansive tariffs that are universally viewed as pro-inflationary.


Nice try to lump the January 6 events in with the rest. But that is unequivocally not what happened. The people who broke in had already planned to do so.


This is the current state of abortion, a situation wrought by Trump’s last presidency

Ignoring that of fucking course if he gets in he is going to facilitate an even worsening of this situation, why is it appropriate for anyone concerned about a loss of access to only be forward thinking? You don’t get credit for not killing any puppies starting from now if you’ve already killed all the puppies.


And why were they doing so? The comparison is a terrible one. It’s the central trick of the RW…reframe their awfulness of their actions into trivial sounding actions

“Oh, we’re punishing people for being patriotic now. How Stalinist of you”…says man defending Tim McVeigh blowing up the federal building in OKC


they were there before.

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That is a totally false comparison. The insurrectionists went to the Capitol with the intention of overturning the election. They went to the riot with weapons and gallows. They threatened the lives of elected officials. How is that the same?

It won’t, because his power is now so much more entrenched. He now has the Supreme Court about to give him immunity. He has loyalists in all important positions in the party. He has learnt from his first term and won’t accept any pushback. He’s saying so himself. Read the Time interview.

Why not? He clearly tried to overthrow the last election. What makes you think he won’t do it again?

He will leave it to the States because he knows it’s a vote loser.

He is promising to get out the National Guard to round up eleven million people.

Of course a Republican candidate will do things I don’t agree with, but this person has a far more radical and repressive agenda than any in my lifetime.
It must be very comfortable being so blasé about it.


Flat earth!
“I’VE dOne mY oWn rEsEarCh”