US Election 2024

Seems relevant again today. It’s a Gift Article from Tom, so free to read.
And he was right, as she jsut kissed the ring.


She should have been the protogè, the one to inherit now that Biden is clearly too old for such a position. But Americans don’t like her, she is a black woman with ambitions and she has a bit sharp elbows; something which is unacceptable in a woman but acceptable in many men.
So the Dems are left with the terrible candidate which is Biden, but he is the best available now since they never had the wit or wisdom to prepare someone younger to take over.

This is of course just my opinion. I think it insane that Americans choose between 2 incredibly old men long past their prime when it comes to their intellectual abilities, for the most important position in the country. But since one of them is insane, the other is sane; there can be only one choice unless you are a complete (self-censor at work). The absurdity is watching Trump fans criticising one of the Methusalahs for being too old and past it, while they have their own who is not only almost as ancient, but also demented in more than one way. At least Biden just forgets words or rambles and need help from aides (again, why do Americans wheel these people forth as if it is the Soviet Politburo, because this stinks of the Soviet Union anno 1980, where they had ancients who had to be helped by aids to get around, but remarkably Breznehnev, known as the butt of political jokes in Norway and elsewhere due to this, was only actually 75 when he died).

But yeah, should be a simple choice to vote for the elder that isn’t insane. But it isn’t and Trump might just win this because he is so young, vital, kind , well spoken with an exciting vision for the future of the United States of America and indeed, the world.

Apologies for the slight rant. Just ignore me if it triggers you, whoever you are who may be triggered by my rude opinion on these absolutely marvelous candidates in the United States Presidential Election.


One or the other has a very good chance of dying in office, so who the VP is takes front stage.

God, fuck Haley. Even without expecting any more from her, even something so pathetically predictable feels more disappointing than it should, just for how pathetic it is.

If Trump spoke about my partner the way he did about Haley’s husband and I endorsed him she would leave me without even speaking a word.


What’s at stake…

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Is this more about Dasantis vs Haley down the road?

Sure, but its a statement about what sort of party you think is acceptable to lead. We can debate how unworthy the praise she got during for having the integrity for representing GOP values (personally I think that sort of coverage is the sort of Kabooki theatre where they refuse to acknowledge that racism and lack of commitment to democratic ideals were core elements of the GOP classic they claimed she was fighting for), but there can be now question now with this decision.

Maybe Rosie O’Donnel will vote for him as well.

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What? What is with your obsession with the ladies of daytime talk tv?

She’s obviously getting something from it, and that was probably her motivation in the first place. Surely she’s already had that conversation with her husband.
It’s amazing how people debase themselves for the Orange.

What she is getting from it is a retained position of seniority within a party going in a direction she claimed to oppose and that she was happy to get credit for supposedly opposing.

Like I said, I didnt have much of an expectation for anything different because her campaign lacked the “Burn the Ships” approach I think was required of anyone who genuinely wanted something different for their party. My exasperation is more over how unserious the coverage of her way during the campaign for “standing up to Trump” and how easily these people play the press

Is there any glimmer of hope that she represents the lesser worse potential outcome?

The inherent Trumpism in the party produced Trump. He did not create Trumpism. If you have someone who is so unwilling to stand up to their base then there is no hope of a different direction even if you can find a way to wrestle control of it from Trump himself.

Here’s a good look at how he does it ;

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All things considering, Haley would now be the perfect VP for Trump and would turn the election into a foregone conclusion imo. I would be shocked beyond belief if the actually chose her, I think he is way too stubborn and spiteful. I think he might have if he thought he didn’t have the election locked down.

I’m not so sure, because she doesn’t do particularly well in the swing states. To the extent that she has a real support base at all, it appears to be in states where Democrats are not much of an alternative anyway. The only interesting states where she broke the 20% threshold were Virginia, North Carolina, and Michigan, but even in those it is not clear whether she brings support or accrued it by default from moderate Republicans who cannot stand Trump - which all 3 of those states have significant elements of.

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There is an old fashioned argument that Trump could use it as a move to reconcile with anti-trump factions that could help down ballot. She did well in Maryland, which is a no hope for Trump, but does see a popular anti Trump Hogan in a tight senate race that could be the difference between Dem vs GOP control (probably not, but possibly) and if Trump and Haley wanted to she could be that bridge. But Trump doesnt want to.

One of the big keys to the outcome was going to be how many of the Haley voters came home. My tendency is to think Republicans always come home eventually, but maybe this time was different.

charlie brown lucy GIF by Maudit

“Many of the same politicians who now publicly embrace Trump privately dread him,” she said while competing with him for the Republican nomination this year. “They know what a disaster he’s been and will continue to be for our party. They’re just too afraid to say it out loud. Well, I’m not afraid to say the hard truths out loud. I feel no need to kiss the ring.”


Republican aka Trump voters won’t be liking having a non-white woman of colour as their Veep.

that said , Haley’s a joke.

Fascinating insight into some of the NYT/Sienna polling

Big pro Trump swings in their sample among a group of people who supposedly supported Biden in 2020 but sat out in what was the most participated in election in US history. What reason is there to think they will vote this time around? Trump’s success has come in large part from animating non-voters, and did better in 2020 with this group than he did in 2016. But still didnt get any of the voters in this group. Are there really any additional “non-voters” left for him to add to his tally?

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