US Election 2024

They could if 6 of the Justices weren’t taking money from the NRA.

Anyway interesting decision from the SC to put the gun debate, where most Americans support greater control, back on the agenda right before an election.


Shark for sure.

The dessicated coconut spelling or whatever is on a par with marzipan. Actually marzipan may shade it. That stuff hides in the depths of a nice cake before hittingvyour pallette like being electrocuted by a shark.

For clarity i like almonds and coconuts, it’s what we’ve done to them…

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You poor thing! Faulty tastebuds are a curse indeed.
I’ll add you to my prayers along with those without Sky TV, Scots and Trumpists.


I also need to be on the ‘No Sky TV’ list please.

No way I’m paying for that shit. While youre at it add me to the ‘I suffered Betamax’ and ‘I still listen to CD’s’ lists as well please.

I will never own a gun.


Not only was my first VCR Betamax, it also had a remote control on a cord.

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Show off


Umph, used to do my 10000 steps a day changing the channel.

In fact, i had to estimate half an hour in advance of what i wanted to watch, such was the distance to the tv.

I have an inkling we’re in the wrong thread here. :thinking:


Understanding why the plea deal fell apart is, unsurprisingly, key to appreciating whether it was a sweetheart deal.

The plea deal covered both then tax and gun charges and involved a 2 year probationary period that if satisfied would see the gun charges would be wiped from his record. Despite all the republican outrage plea deals were expected for these charges. The issue with the deal was it combined them in an unusual way that involved the judge in an inappropriate way. It required the judge to adjudicate whether hunter complied with the probationary terms. The judged rejected that saying it was the prosecutors responsibility and made them start again, at which point the prosecutors said no and decided to move ahead with the charges as 2 separate cases.

If you are looking for a central explanation for what happened it is almost certainly the prosecutors wanting to put hunter in court but after over 4 years of investigation could only drum up charges that didn’t justify that. So they crafted a poisoned plea deal they knew the judge would reject as a pretext for allowing them to push ahead with trials while pretending they had an uncooperative defended who forced them into it. This is a strategy that banks on the laziness and bad faith of the mainstream press, and of course they played their part as expected with “hunter blew up his plea deal” coverage.


Bidens fucked imo ……

Both candidates agreed to appear at a uniform podium, and their podium positions will be determined by a coin flip.

Microphones will be muted throughout the debate except for the candidate whose turn it is to speak. While no props or pre-written notes will be allowed on the stage, candidates will be given a pen, a pad of paper and a bottle of water.

Some aspects of the debate – including the absence of a studio audience – will be a departure from previous debates. But, as in the past, the moderators “will use all tools at their disposal to enforce timing and ensure a civilized discussion,” according to the network.


The bottled water certainly tilts it in Trump’s favor.:sleeping::sleeping::sleeping:

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Democrats got almost every rule they wanted. Trump can’t interrupt, but has to finish a full paragraph of coherent thought.


I honestly think that helps him. It’s an annoying habit that highlights a negative trait. Bidens kryptonite is when his mind wonders or he is incoherent, and with Trump interrupting all the time it camouflages that weakness. Trumps kryptonite is that his insults towards Biden is like water off a ducks back. The no interruptions will make for a enjoyable debate.

Trump will still manage somehow to turn it into an absolute shitshow. And I really don’t get how you think that having no prompts or aids will disadvantage Biden. Didn’t you hear that moron’s ramblings about sharks last week when the teleprompter went down ?

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Trump will be prepared with various outlandish lies and soundbites and the deplorables like @Nobluff will lap it up.

Missed that one. Bidens memory is not great, and hasn’t been for a while. At least without the teleprompter or notes, he won’t read out instructions.

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I think they both do that, and incredibles like @Nobluff can acknowledge that.

Two of his biggest attack lines are that inflation and crime are at figures ‘nobody’s ever seen before’. Both of those claims are demonstrably false and I would expect Tapper and Bash to make that clear. You can’t allow this cunt to just go on lying forever unchallenged.


Have your TV and Internet been broken since 2015?


Trump usually interrupts himself. He speaks in a stream of unconsciousness.

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