US Election 2024

I just hope the dithering recently portrayed from Biden, is just an acting Oscar performance to lull the world endangering Orange Blob into a false sense of confidence. What excuse would Trump rally behind if Biden absolutely destroys him on the stage

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What a surprise.

This week we have had reports of CEOs leaving a roundtable with Trump being horrified by how incoherent and uninformed he was, the coverage of shark battery gate illustrating Trumpā€™s public incoherence, and then when again claiming Biden could not pass the cognitive tests he aced (you dont ace these things, you just successfully tell the difference between a picture of a cat and a fish) he referenced the former White house Dr (now a shit throwing member of congress) who administered it for him and got his name wrong, repeatedly.

We then have a viral story about Biden allegedly facing the wrong way at a D day even staring off into the distance seemingly not knowing where he was, only for it to be shown to be a cropped image of him speaking to one of the paratroopers who had landed next to them but had been cynically cut out of frame.

Conclusion - Biden is the one with cognitive issues.


This guy is going to do great in the debateā€¦hopefully the subtitles will be able to let us know what heā€™s saying 90% of the time.

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LOL. That is the very footage I am talking about. Please understand the people pushing this are mocking you for buying their bullshit when they do it.

This is what they cut out with that skinny framing


This is an excerpt from a book referenced in this review ā€˜Apprentice in Wonderlandā€™ by Ramin Setoodeh book review - The Washington Post

This is proper Sunset Blvd stuff


This has the potential to have the lowest TV ratings of the modern era followed by headlines about which one of the two didnā€™t fall down, snore, slur, or yell.

Wish theyā€™d both just step down, call it a day, and never be heard from again. The whole thing is such a pathetic shame.

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@LuisSuarez is a batshit crazy deplorable.

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Are you going to admit that you got that one wrong?


Youā€™re batshit crazy for thinking this guy is cognitive enough to run the ā€œmost powerful countryā€ in the world. Itā€™s elder abuse. Iā€™m telling you, heā€™s going to stroke out at one of these press conferences. Iā€™d be interested to know what all heā€™s about to be injected with for the debate.

Pot belge?

Biden, Trump or both?


I think its pretty conclusive from reports on all sides of the political spectrum that Trump has the appearance of being significantly sharper, mentally and physically. If you want to keep saying otherwise then you doing it for you own comfort, and the comfort of the people that actually want to believe you. For the sake of being impartial you need to put aside what is being said, and focus on how its being said, how someone looks, how someone moves.


Sorry, thatā€™s ridiculous


You did see that shark thing didnā€™t you?


Or the anything thing. He is completely incoherent in a way that even the embarrassingly unqualified know nothing of 8 years ago wasnā€™t


The only real difference i see is that Trump never stops talking, but also doesnā€™t actually say anything.

He is the perfect exponent of word salad.


Iā€™d say @LuisSuarez must be similarly addled to Trump

World leaders after the G7 - the world is in a difficult place right now, but weā€™re glad itā€™s Biden in charge. He knows what heā€™s doing.

Economic leaders after a meeting with Trump - WTF was that? Did anyone understand anything he said? Why were we made to watch him fire Meatloaf from the Celebrity Apprentice? And what was that smell?

Savvy commentators on American politics who think for themselves and arent biased - Biden is addled, which is a problem when up against such a vigorous opponent


If I was advising Biden I would not stick him on a stage with Trump.

Trump is old, incoherent, and definitely has cognitive issues. Butā€¦ he just chats shit, and people lap it up. It will be incessant, and as such, he will come across as much the more sprightly man, even if the content of what he says is all lies. It wonā€™t matter, as in appearances, not content, I expect Trump to come off better.

Biden has a grasp of policy and a grasp of the issues that comes with years of being in a substantial role. He knows the score, and he knows how government works. But I fear that he will come across as too mumbly, and too shaky. His content will be light years better than Trumpā€™s, but on appearances he wonā€™t fare too well.

Both sides of the news divide will extract what they want and need from the debate to convince their base of their viewpoint, and it will all be there on display to suit either side.

But in my view, Biden has more to lose from taking the debate, and he should not have gone there.


I dont think they do lap it up anymore. Trump isnt covered like he used to be. We generally dont hear uninterrupted footage of him speaking anymore. This is partly because the press ā€œlearnedā€ from the criticism of 2016 of giving him too much air time. Now you have most left and center outlets not covering him because they dont want to air his lies, and the stuff on the right not covering him because they dont want to expose how incoherent he is. Fuck, heā€™s spoken about hanibal lecter 3 times in the month or so and no one has any idea why or WTF he is saying. People being exposed to him unfiltered will be an eye opener.