US Election 2024

I feel like 4 years ago there was a great concern from Democrats (and excitement from Republicans) about how badly Biden would do against Trump during debates. Then he handled himself absolutely fine because he, while no one’s idea of a great orator, is a highly experienced politician who can stick to a brief.

And the fact that his weaknesses were so exaggerated before the debates, his competance came across as a great strength.

So yeah keep hyping up how badly Biden will do. The debate will happen, Biden will stick to his rehearsed answers and sound fine. Trump will freestyle it and end up going down more rabbit holes than Alice. Republicans will declare Trump the winner, Democrats will declare Biden the winner and independents will likely be more impressed by the candidate who isn’t rambling nonsense, just like they were 4 years ago.


I agree with this, which is why I think its a disadvantage to prevent Trump from interrupting all the time. I think the interrupting helped Biden tremendously as it just became a shouting match. It was a shit debate, but excellent result for Biden.

And also agree with this. The rest was complete shit, except for:

The debate will happen

Biden will stick to his rehearsed answers and sound

Trump will freestyle it and

Fox News did that. They need shutting down.

Agreeance. So does this two party system. We’ve been reduced to arguing about a debate between two men who can’t debate. Makes me ill.


Oh no we havent…

Sorry I’m in that kind of mood again.

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Since it was brought up about that dishonest framing of Biden at the G7, here is Sam Seder’s take.

By the way, I know Conservatives seem to think “we” liberals love Biden but I think Seder pretty accurately sums it up. He kind of sucks and there is valid criticism but the alternatives are much worse.


In contrast, Biden’s memory lapses are most commonly supported by known deceptively edited SM content, and the characterization of him as a forgetful old man in the Special Counsel’s report. Even though that was not actually his characterization of Biden but a statement that a jury may view him that way if they tried to bring charges against him, which he has already ruled out doing on the merits. Further, in Hurr’s own report he made several specific mentions to Biden’s recall being very good.


oof …


Damn, two videos, I can’t argue with that proof that Biden blasts Trump away both physically and mentally. I live and learn.

What about looking at the situation and the evidence and seeing that it’s just not a black and white case of one guy‘s energetic and the other is old?
Trump clearly has trouble remembering names and staying on topic, Biden is hesitant and seems geriatric because he is. Neither of them is at the peak of their powers and both are prone to gaffes. It’s a strange situation that the US finds itself in.
Rather than focussing on these areas which both candidates are weak in, it might be refreshing to actually look at their policies and what their administrations would do for the country.


It’s not black and white. They both have issues, I just think it’s clear that Biden has more in this particular department. It’s going to be important to some, not important to others.

Biden does not beat Trump in every literal comparison, no matter how partisan you are, or how much you hate Trump.

Even that is too deferential to the bad faith attacks bolstered by deceptively edited footage. Both candidates are old and diminished, but one of those is still cogent and able to demonstrate an understanding of the issues and other is utterly incoherent (that is Trump btw). Whether Trump’s incoherence is due to him never knowing anything in the first place or mental deterioration is debatable, but regardless of the answer it makes a mockery of claims from anyone who would favour him over Biden because of their respective mental capabilities.



Good post as usual, sir. We could spend hours debating who is healthier. It is an important issue but none of us know and it’s all unpredictable anyway. Neither appears hearty and I don’t like to wish against anyone’s good health.

As for policy, my view is that one is already well to the right and testing even those limits because that’s what he does for attention despite not knowing what he really stands for. The other is scrambling to the right because that’s his long-time proclivity and…votes over principles.

It’s all awful. Really had hoped against hope they’d both step aside. But absolute power corrupts absolutely.

PS: Jagger and Richards are clearly healthiest, which is so awesome and makes me happy.

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Some of you might need to ignore the source. I cant find a pure video link.

Interesting video from Lichtman on his keys (Seems to be updated video), and on whether he thinks the Dem’s should drop Biden (at about the 7:40 mark), and if he thinks the Trump convictions would make a difference (About the 7m mark).

Not in comparison of policy?

What are Trump‘s policies exactly? A one percent cut in corporate tax? A bigger wall? More hate?

Biden has done well on the economy and crime no matter what the Fox shrills say. His Achilles heel is the Middle East which Trump is not likely to do better on.

When it comes to actual politics, I don’t see how Trump wins the argument.


Maybe we need to give a thought that Biden and Trump are sozzled most of the time, and that is what makes them appear incoherent… Or as it is pointed out, they just showing signs of old father time catching up to both of them

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He said he will make a prediction around August or so. He is usually right, got one wrong, but it was the cheating Republicans screwing over Al Gore, so he was technically right.

We might be in uncharted territory with Trump’s felonies, as that hasn’t been in play with a Presidential candidate before, but it will be interesting to see what this fella predicts.

Dodgy toupee though.


I suspect his Achilles heel is that he is remarkably in favour of organised labour. It’s just that the right wing media can’t say that because it rather gives their game away. Hence the insinuations that he is senile.