US Election 2024

You really have a chip on your shoulder about that orange waste of space don’t you…


Could you post a positive video of Trump in which he makes a coherent political proposal that doesn’t involve insults, incitement, hate speech or boasting and which would be a tangible benefit to the people?


Is there a video of him making a coherent sentence?


I have one actually. Hope that helps.


It was refreshingly free of bile, but disappointingly incoherent. What is he proposing? An increase in water pressure? Is this really an issue?

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No idea. I was just trying to get you to waste your life listening to it.

Moral of the story: don’t bother watching the upcoming debate. Use your time to read @Klopptimist’s posts.

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You certainly are dedicated to wasting my time. It’s very kind of you, but I think it’s something I’m quite good at doing myself.
In that spirit, please share with the worldwide internut how many times you need to flush.


He’s largely just lifted that from a humorous column that Dave Barry wrote for the Miami Herald in 1997.

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So, the most concrete example of Trump speaking about policy we can come up with is stolen from a 25 year old satire?


He cleared up what he was trying to say about the electric boat and shark yesterday.


Thank you all for proving my point. Now put your heads back into the sand.

To think Biden is perfect (e.g. no complaints from 99% of you), and think Trump is pure evil (99% of you), is just ludicrous, and statistically impossible. I guess if you hang around with the same people constantly, gobbling up their opinions as fact, then group think is bound to sink in.


I don’t believe anybody here has ever claimed that Biden is perfect.


Well obviously overstating slightly. If I was really bothered, I would tabulate the pro and con in this thread for both Trump and Biden, however I already know the outcome, I’m just pointing out the obvious disparity. It seems to upset some here.

Biden is far from perfect, but you could compare Trump to just about anyone and unless you were completely fucked in the head, you’d pick the other guy every time. In fact that should probably be his election slogan.


This would be a moronic way to evaluate a discussion like this though. Fairness does not require speaking equally about two candidates when they are so clearly not equal.

In contrast to the fairness you think you are demonstrating, what you are actually doing is showing a belligerent refusal to take on facts and use them to adjust your core perception of the situation. You have seemingly committed yourself to the idea that coverage of Trump is unfair and present justifications for this that turn out to be demonstrably false. You then just lurch to the next demonstrably false justification, never stopping to think that maybe the equivalency you have drawn in your head between these people is not justified.

And to be clear here, I am not saying there is a correct political opinion and calling people out for not agreeing with me on what that is. It is the justifications being presented for opposing anti-trump claims that are problematic given they are clear falsehoods.


It’s only to be expected on a forum for Liverpool supporters. Most fans of this club tend to reflect the city’s political beliefs - you don’t find many rightwing nutjobs among Liverpool’s inhabitants or its fans.


But I asked you, very politely, to provide a positive video or interview with Trump where he is speaking clearly and coherently about a policy issue and you just ignored it.
Please show us why we should take Trump seriously as a candidate who has good policies that would help the people. That shouldn’t be too much to ask.

Well I don’t think its moronic, I also don’t expect it to be close to equal, I just don’t expect there to be this much disparity between the two.

If I posted a video here of Biden wondering around like a dementia patient, everyone here would rush to his defence, saying its fake or its a dishonest angle or he’s always acted this way, or yes slightly strange but Trump is much worse. Take your pick of the excuse.
Now post a clip of Trump saying something stupid (and yes there are lots), then watch the rush to defend him … Zero, not even me. This is what I mean when I talk about disparity.
It’s a wonderful thing having a reasonably balanced view in all discussions rather than constantly knocking one down and building the other up with disregard to the situation.
There are some of you that still cling to the belief that on appearance, Biden is fit enough mentally and physically, over Trump.

Anyway, I think @cynicaloldgit point if probably very accurate.

Seriously, why bother, you not going to believe it, so I would just be doing it for myself. If you think there isn’t a video of this, then I don’t know what to tell you. The internet has EVERYTHING.

I honestly have never seen anything like that.
I’m genuinely asking you to show me that he is a serious candidate and not just a petulant narcissist, which is the impression I have.

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