US Election 2024

If Trump has to flush 10-15 times, then I suggest he look seriously at his diet :face_vomiting:


The old sayingā€¦
If its yellow let it mellow -
If its brown flush it downā€¦!

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What if itā€™s orange? :thinking:


I get what you mean, but Orange is supposedlyā€¦ the only word that canā€™t be rhymed with.!

If I posted a deceptively doctored video I would expect people would point out the deception to me. If that happened to me more than once I would start questioning the sources of information I lean on rather than being critical of the people pointing out how I have been repeatedly duped.

Trump needs to flush 10-15 times because those government papers donā€™t go down easily!

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You are all childish. Except @SBYM.

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Why not? I am just trying to get you to put forward something persuasive that isnā€™t just sniping about superficial style points. Weā€™re discussing the choice of the next President of the United States. It has to be about more than 'he talks funny ā€™ or ā€˜i donā€™t like how he walksā€™. It has to be about serious policies to help the citizens of the country and, incidentally, the rest of us too. Please show us why Trump is a good candidate.


You wonā€™t defend him, but will vote for him. Itā€™s the cult of trump that has me worried. A little of nasty rhetoric that turns violent in his watch and his entire entourage has done jail time.


Ignoring the Covid stuff, the majority of Trumpā€™s $4.8T was tax cuts for the already rich. Yay Populism.


The Dems should be hammering that message home.

The problem is polls show that voters simply donā€™t believe Dems when they speak about how they are better for anything related to the economy. Likewise for nationality security, or crime. No matter how well evidenced the argument is, it tends to rebound back to the voter thinking ā€œbut we know Republicans are better on these issues so if this Dem is lying about this, what else are they lying about?ā€ And all of a sudden they are second guessing who is really responsible for abortion no longer being legally accessible in their state.

Where on earth do you take this from? Biden has been constantly criticised by a lot of people on here, throughout his presidency. I personally feel that heā€™s a vile, untrustworthy and very unpalatable character.

Then again, and thatā€™s the problem, Trump is even worse. To add to the above-mentioned characteristics, heā€™s also vulgar, abject, mysoginistic, and a convicted felon.

Between these two bad choices, Iā€™d still chose Biden, but I find it incredible that a big country like the US canā€™t come up with better options. Itā€™s utterly poor to be honest.


Biden is a career politician and will do and say whatever it takes to remain in power hence his position on Israel for example. Heā€™s dancing on the razorā€™s edge trying to keep everyone happy which usually means that nobody is.
That said, faced with the least cooperative Congress in memory and a divided party itā€™s hard to see what else he could have done. He has had successes despite the rhetoric, and has had little room to experiment.
Heā€™s nobodyā€™s dream candidate, but he isnā€™t a vain, autocratic, narcissistic wannabe despot and thatā€™s all you need to know.

As commented on here, last week Trump signaled a drastic about turn on immigration where he told a group of tech ā€œleadersā€ heā€™d support giving automatic green cards to immigrants who graduate from US universities. The Trump campaign has already aggressively countered this saying that the official campaign position, which Trump advocates, is that legal immigration will be drastically cut and their main focus will be to enact a massive deportation effort to remove as many of 20 million undocumented people throughout the country. This is a move that Trump has said he would accept people with legal status getting caught up in these raids, and is universally understood to precipitate an immediate recession (depression?).

Had the Republicans not opened their arms to letting Trump back into the fold and instead moved on from him, I think weā€™d have had a different Democratic nominee as well.

The Dems dont have anyone waiting in the wings as an obvious next leader. People may have their own personal favourites, but there is no one who could step in and take the nomination without a vigorous and resource draining campaign. In this era weā€™d also have to expect a good amount of rat fucking to sow further divisions within the party and the voting base. By all accounts, team Biden was willing to step down, but once they realized Trump was not going to go away and would be the likely opponent they had to balance the risk of the toxicity of this nomination process and the unknown of how good a candidate weā€™d have come through it vs the liability of his age should he choose to run again. Once he decided the latter was the lower risk, the major players in his own party who could have made the decision difficult for him all also seemingly decided it was the best decision.

As much as I think a man of his age should not be up for consideration, the logic behind their decision is easy to follow even you dont personally agree with it or with it were otherwise.


That is the problem with @nobluff. Deplorable.


Agree. But I also think a lot of people voted for Biden begrudgingly last time around thinking he was a 1-term president who could perhaps shake off his checkered political past and lean progressive. Unfortunately he is now running again while shifting right (as you said to play politician or to go back to his actual roots). I sense frustration and anger and I canā€™t blame that cohort.

Long way to go but the turnout could be pathetic.

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You are far more knowledgeable than I am. And I donā€™t know all the accounts, but I have never believed Biden would step down after 1 term. After all, he served in the senate for over 35 years. I also donā€™t think the Dems were ever considering replacing Biden and didnā€™t prepare a succession plan. I sadly view Biden and the Dems with increasing skepticism and distrust.

Bidenā€™s always been more central, so as you say he shifted progressive for the election, so in reality heā€™s now shifting back to his original.