US Election 2024

Kamala politicking to see if she has the support of the party

I think it is far, far more serious than that - not least because the assumption that members were trustworthy and honest was always a fiction, and everyone knew it. So the system actually doesnā€™t really rely on the trustworthiness and honesty of individual members at all, there has never been a Parliament without a healthy selection of dishonest bastards in both chambers.

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You realize the vast majority of us here are not American, and are not particularly supporters of either party? Most of the world would happily stay out of even discussing American politics if American politics were not going to be inflicted on their own countries. I have lived in the US, and actually have a deep respect for the United States, much more than many here - which is precisely why I am so troubled to see what is becoming of the country.


Donā€™t mess with Quebec, they are like OPEC, only for maple syrup.


Might not be the right audience for it, but damn I laughedā€¦


The original

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This, all day long.

If there was a credible alternate to Biden, I would vote for that person. I really hope there is an internal change.

If the choice is Trump, then itā€™s a no, no , no and no. He is such an awful human being on any number of levels - crass, stupid, no grasp of anything, a rapist, cheater, grifter his whole life.

The three chief vices a person can get ensnared in have at their root money, power and sex. Trumpā€™s whole life has been an exercise in watching an unfettered man fill his boots on all three.

It remains the most astonishing thing, to me, as a dual citizen living in America, that he has so many millions of Americans fooled. His con is laughably bad, but people lap it up.


Politics has turned attritional. We can identify a few different inflection points, but regardless of why, this is what it is. Given that, I dont understand the idea that being primarily voting against someone is bad, or revealing it as someoneā€™s motivation is some sort of gotcha.

There is a candidate who openly muses over using the power of the office to punish people who have opposed him. Who has and will again sell Americaā€™s foreign policy for whatever can make him money personally. Is willing to sit back and let the religious zealots who pushed him to power revoke the civil liberties of anyone who isnt male, white, and christian (and probably the right sort of christian). Damn fucking right I am motivated to beat that fucking guy. You got me.


Thank you for the nuanced point, ā€˜and probably the right sort of Christian.ā€™

This is not the religion thread and I donā€™t want a discussion here on religion, but I do want to say that as a Christian myself, I shake my head at the MAGA orbit, especially the religious component, as they overlook much of the gospel and have a very mean spirited, narrow take on what Christianity is supposed to be. There are millions of Christians who do not recognize their own religion as espoused by the MAGA crowd.

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Awww thatā€™s so cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Itā€™s ok. As long as he gets a morning, mid afternoon, and evening nap, no illnesses, no travelling and keeps any meetings with the press to a maximum of 4 spoken words over the next 6 months heā€™ll be right as rain.

I laughed my head off when I read an article about some people close to the White House warning Bidenā€™s advisors before the debate about his fatigue and how he had travelled too much and wasnā€™t in a condition to take part in a debate.

Just a heads up guys: If someone needs copious amounts of rest and needs to avoid the common cold in order to function as a normal human being, they have no business running for President.


I have a lot of respect and admiration for Biden. I know some of the people who worked for him at a senior level in 2008, and on into the Obama White House. Heā€™s a tough guy, not willing to back down from a fight. That was maybe the best thing about him when he said he was proud to have the first Black Presidentā€™s back, but maybe not a great thing about him now. A good friend from his 2008 Senatorial staff genuinely believed his 2020 plan was to die in office.

Funny thing is, when I was working as a lobbyist in DC, Bidenā€™s centrism really frustrated me, he was harder to swing than a lot of Republicans 20 years ago. It is comical to see him painted as some extreme leftist - if he was from the other side of the Chesapeake, heā€™d likely be a very similar guy, but a GOP Senator from Virginia.


I think if we are at the stage where we are now claiming he wasnā€™t functioning as a normal human being then weā€™ve officially left reality.

He was acting like a normal old man.

I maintain that after the first 15 minutes he did perfectly fine, even had some good moments. Thatā€™s not to say that the narratives around him are wrong but I do think it was heavily influenced by the very poor start he had.

I listened to it again via the Knowledge Fight podcast - they listen to InfoWars and comment on it. Weirdly Biden actually came off really well on InfoWars because everytime Biden spoke he would shouted over by Alex Jones and when you could hear Biden he actually sounded very sane and logical - especially in comparison to Jonesā€™ incoherent rambling.

Unfortunately whatā€™s been lost in all this narrative (and was allowed to happen by the incompetance of ā€œimpartialityā€ by CNN) is that Trump also came off badly. Sure he spoke loudly but the man lied through his teeth about everything. At least Biden attempted to deal with the real world. Trump lives in a world where post-birth abortions ie. Murder is a real thing Democrats wants, where he could solve the war in Palestine with a phone call (but apparently chooses not to?), where the US economy was ā€œthe best everā€ under his leadership, where he solved Covid before Biden even took office, where his imaginary golf scores are evidence for how clever he is, where immigrants are not human. All night it was complete and utter bullshit, lies and insane rambling but Bidenā€™s poor performance took the light off it.

Iā€™m shocked anyone watched that debate and came away thinking ā€œYep, I see my guy up thereā€. And Iā€™m sorry but if you, at this point, support Trump it is because you donā€™t think people from outside America should be allowed in, itā€™s because you are so offended by the existence of trans-people (who youā€™ve likely never met) that you will vote for anypne who goes out of their way to ostracise and attack them. The price youā€™re willing to pay is the erosion of our Democracy. Your hatred of your fellow man is sickening.


Honestly, maybe it defines who I knowā€¦but how does he get away with such obvious bullshit about his golf scores?!?

The rope that hanged John Brown was cut up and sold, never really understood that. Iā€™d pay for some of the rope that hanged Trump.

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To be fair, I doubt Biden had an 8 handicap that became a 6 handicap within 30 seconds during the debate. Theyā€™re both liars. Iā€™m sill waiting to see Biden having marched with Mandela.

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How dare you bring truth and facts into this?

How legit is all this Epstein stuff that landed yesterday? I mean, how much of an impact will it have?

Not heard anything about it. What is the jist of it?

Iā€™m assuming that it relates to this?

Edit: OK, Iā€™ve seen the hashtag #TrumpRapedChildren trending on Twitter. Itā€™s grossly unpleasant if true.

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We are entering Julius Caesar territory although hopefully without the bloody ending. None of Bidenā€™s likely successors can be seen to be disloyal at this point, but they are surely scheming behind closed doors. He will try to tough it out, and weā€™ll see over the weekend whether the momentum for change can be resisted. It will all make a thrilling movie plot in the future, but right now feels like a rickety roller coaster ride over a pool full of sharks.

Stop co-opting yourself.

And I note that Iā€™m not included there.