US Election 2024

Thank goodness the shooter was white…


It’s the Daily Heil…

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100% this. Nothing good can come out of this. Up to a certain extent, Trump brought this on himself thanks to his hateful and divisive rhetoric, but this was clearly way over the line.

There is a real danger of the US either turning into a dictatorship or tearing itself apart.


Odds-on that it was staged by his own people.


Trump will probably get the sympathy vote now and win the election.

Not sure how true it is, Biden’s wife is adamant that Biden should not step down, as she doesn’t want Harris to be the candidate, apparently they hate each other. It all started about the bus system and Harris’s campaign during the 2020 when she wanted to be a candidate and Harris called Biden is a racist.

May the youngster and the other people who died RIP and others injured, recover quickly. Trump can stay in hospital and the do world a favour.

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Why? They are already so far ahead in the polls plus that lad must have been one of hell of a shot. Look son…just wing him and take the end of his ear off…from 150 yards away.

Think you have watched too many westerns.


So that Trump can continue to play the “They’re out to get me” card.


Just watching the clip on the BBC. Was Trump lucky? Looks like a bullet clipped his ear.

I guess the US can look forward to the shooter being painted as some lunatic, they may be but I can see it being twisted to suit an agenda, while Republicans paint themselves as the party of law and order.

He’s no Oswald,that lad could hit a moving target 7 times with 3 shots.


It’s too early to have a good idea what really happened, and we will probably never know the full story, but a couple of things are clear:

It’s bad for the Democrats. There will be a group who see Trump as a victim which is likely to increase his vote. The conspiracy theorists will have a field day and the probability of a repressive regime coming in have just increased.

The CIA would have numerous other ways of killing Trump which were more likely to succeed. Even if you could persuade yourself that they are a liberal organisation, it stretches the imagination to think that they’d stage an operation like this.

This will only serve to polarise an already deeply divided country and make a peaceful and united future ever more unlikely.

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Yes I’m aware it’s a parody account, but these parody accounts allegedly in regards to trump tend to be pro maga crowd and tend to have their " message" to their maga base … interesting that that video seems to be cut off from the rest of whatever he was saying…gives them just enough conspiracy points to somehow turn into talk of a false flag …country/ world is fucked if rational heads and logic cant sort their differences out.

Pandora’s box of political violence is well and truly open now, difficult to see ways in which the US could get any more similar to 1860.


Or 1933.

For starters the CIA wouldnt miss.
Thats the same organisation that spread false facts about the Chinese covid vaccine in the Philippines.
Just a stupid idea.

My very uneasy feeling about the next 5 years at least gas grown considerably

That would require thinking.

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Yep, I would have been very happy if things were different!

I’ll do no such thing thank you! The death of this person would be for the greater good.

At least try, Might do you some good.

Lots of speculation from us foreigners. I think only Americans really know about the secret assassination plots.



Trump shooting souvenir T-shirts already on sale after assassination attempt

Souvenir T-shirts picturing the aftermath of the assassination attempt on former US president Donald Trump have already gone on sale.

The assassination attempt took place at around 6.15pm local time, with photos of Trump’s recovery being published minutes later. Mere hours later, T-shirts with variations of the historic image have gone on sale from outlets based in the US and China.

By around 8pm on Saturday some Chinese manufacturers had already put the iconic photo onto T-shirts, according to the South China Morning Post.
The T-shirts use an image of a defiant Trump raising his fist into the air as Secret Service officers try to safely move him off the stage. The former president narrowly escaped being killed after a bullet hit his ear at the rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday.


One seller on online shop Etsy, who was based in Colorado in the US, had the same image on a white T-shirt, listed for £18.28 as “Donald Trump Assassination Attempt Shirt”. Another similar product was listed as “Trump Bloody Ear.”