US Election 2024

Case in point…

Purge is a good word, I think, for what’s coming…

MTG is frothing, she’s that excited.

Evidently the CIA weren’t clued in from the 60s onwards, or they’d not have wasted so much time and money on attempted assassinations and grass roots coups. How silly they looked when would-be martyr Allende had the barrel of that AK in his mouth (it was a gift from Castro, don’t cha know?).

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Again another example of why the country is in the dumps. if Either Trump or Biden gets assainated, you are going to get some idiots on either side of the camp, gloating over either deaths. The shooter this time round is the unfortunate foolish soul who went ahead to do what some of the cowards will not do and comes out praising him patronisingly and goes on with their lives. And I think a rally attendee died too. So he or she deserves it for being there?

I am waiting for the next idiot who will try something on Biden and then the red side gloating.

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Sad man.

20-year-old named…

Thomas Matthew Crooks.

the rw facist are going to be screaming for a full police state after this. And if Mr poopy-pants gets in, which will be more likely after this, will go full on Stalin making America the next nazi state


Guardian says a registered republican.

He said he hates them and trump

Few issues here , trumps funding will probably go through the roof

Plus what happens going forward now for Americans? Do the outdoor rallies etc have to stop as surely they can’t proceed with that kind of open air event .

And probably be some tit-for tat response by maga nuts now…

Whatever comes it’s not worth it in the long run, but hope everyone uses a bit of common sense stateside and try to avoid political gatherings if you can, strange days ahead yet again I fear

Has the demented old, orange tinted, madman set this up himself…giving the old fist sign too show how alive he is…I’m not sure what a gunshot sounds like…but it sounded like a firework or kiddies gun…just a thought :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Not if you’re republican :thinking:


Interesting take on the Biden stepping down debate…

When Kamala Harris took to the stage during a Democrat primary debate before the 2020 election and implied that Joe Biden was racist, the future president’s wife’s response was crystal clear. ‘Go [expletive] yourself,’ she vented, as she allegedly admitted during a conference call with supporters. And the relationship between the two women ¿ that began badly enough during that contentious battle for the presidential nomination ¿ has only gone downhill from there. Now, political insiders have told that Democrat advisors are struggling to push past the powerful role that Jill Biden’s loathing of Harris, 59, is playing in Joe’s resistance to pass the mantle to his VP as pressure ratchets up for him to step down as presidential candidate and allow another Democrat tackle Donald Trump.

According to one former Democrat operative in Jill’s circle, the women’s long-seated animosity is ‘one hundred percent’ part of Jill’s resistance to having her 81-year-old husband step aside. Because the truth, according to a source who knows the First Couple well, is that Jill is now the only voice to which the 46th president listens. And as far as Jill, 73, is concerned, the only thing worse than her husband stepping down would be Kamala stepping up to replace him. The bad blood between the First Lady and the Vice President, a feeling so strong that one source described it as, ‘hatred,’ dates to June 2019, when Kamala was running against Biden and condemned him during a televised debate for opposing aspects of mandatory busing for school desegregation.

‘Jill holds grudges,’ one Democrat insider revealed. ‘She doesn’t let things go and she has never forgiven Kamala for comments that some took to be allegations of racism.’ According to one insider, that was the reason she never wanted Kamala to be her husband’s number two in the first place. They said, 'Jill was trying to stop Kamala joining the Biden ticket in 2020. She has hated her ever since the school bus thing. ‘But she bit her tongue because Biden boxed himself into a corner by saying he would pick a black woman for his running mate.’ In recent days Biden has come under almost relentless pressure to step down.


The clenched fist was so Hulk Hogan…I am not beaten…
The theatre blood was opened when he was hidden on the floor.
The poor kid on the roof was the sacrifice to make America great again.

You really couldn’t make it up.

Or could you :thinking:


I suppose nothing changes on Republican views on gun ownership?


There is an active investigation into how the shooter managed to access a roof near the rally.

America is just fucking surreal sometimes.


And how come his entourage of security people, were nowhere near…yet other times, they have been quite close…


Are you aware that’s a parody twitter account and apparently the guy in the vid is a hoax?

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It says parody!
Surely no one thinks that’s real?

I don’t have twitter…but to each their own thoughts eh!

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Nothing about that guy in the videos suggest or hints at Dem or liberal.

That dude screams republican and pro-Trump. You can almost smell the maga through the pc monitor