US Election 2024

Georgia 2008, Crimea 2014.


Just seen that Truss has given her endorsement to Trump.

That should be a massive red flag to anyone thinking of voting that way. Does the US have a lettuce in politics somewhere?


The entire US system is an Aldi vegetable aisle.


That’s not going to be the case if Ukraine successfully meets the MAP reforms necessary to obtain NATO membership.

Truss would support Hitler if she saw an angle in it for her.

We need to stop giving that witch oxygen.


She would, as has Trump remember.

They are essentially the same end of the stick. It’s frightening that they all have been able to get into the positions they have.

It will not end well and I think we all suspect it deep down.

It’s not by chance that several European officials have been talking for a while about Europe being able to fend for itself. They see the writing on the wall. Left unchecked, Putin will gain control one way or another over Ukraine and he will set his sights on the next target which may very well be a NATO country.

With Trump at the helm, there is a not so unlikely scenario of a major conflict taking place in Europe, of WW2 scale, with the US staying neutral.


At this point , Ukraine will be running out of soldiers due to casualties suffered (both injuries and otherwise). No amount of arms provided will suffice if Ukraine doesn’t have boots on the ground. Russia can afford to lose 5 men for every 1 Ukrainian killed and they would still prevail.

I don’t doubt that what you’ve said will come to pass. But restocking weapons is needed for both the west as well.

Regardless of who’s in power in USA , This decision will have to come sooner rather than later. And thanks to Israel and it’s warmongering, genocides etc , US is finding themselves in a position where it’s got to support arms in both fronts. If push indeed comes to shove , US is backing Israel over Ukraine. Trump’s coming would make that stance more explicit and much more quicker. At this point, unless the Democrats stop Biden from competing for re-election , It is going to be Trump. No sane person should want Trump coming to power. But that’s the reality.

Russia can ask Iran to fund Hezbollah to start a full conflict with Israel and that would have a direct impact on the course of actions that US would take at this point of time.

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So Trump leads to WW3?

Lets not forget China.

I have to admit the world feels like its in a perilous position at the moment.

You are right, but it will take time, and I’m not sure that Russia will give them that time before attacking again.

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All valid points. That’s also why some European leaders have started talking about sending troops in Ukraine (notably Macron). At some point, sadly, this could become reality.

Another deeply concerning issue is the environment.
If the USA is totally in the hands of deniers, China and Russia polluting at will and a rise of scepticism in European governments, the future has never looked bleaker.


Sounds like an interesting choice for VP


While it could happen , I’m not sure Macron would find major support if he was to champion French army on ground in Ukraine. Escalating the situation is something of a last resort. If Trump isn’t supporting further arms being delivered to Ukraine , then the European countries would have to provide the same.

Look at the situation in UK with the economy, Further help to Ukraine would probably prove to be very unpopular. The situation would reverberate across the rest of Europe as well too. Prolonging the conflict helps no one.

More scary is the fact were he to succeed Trump as President midterm.

The other elephant…dragon in the convo.

There well could be a third pronged attack where China goes all in on Taiwan.

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And Trump may let it happen if a few dollars were to make their way into his coffers


Cheers. Wow, in that case it’s quite the image.

It’s probably genuine, but we’re going to have to get used to distrusting such images.

NATO membership requires unanimous approval. That would seem unlikely before 2028 in the event of a Trump win