US Election 2024


On the day we are all being told to tone down the rhetoric for fear that calling Trump a fascist who needs to be stopped to preserve our democracy will incite violence, Trump goes and picks a guy who has referred to him as…checks notes…“America’s Hitler”


This is going to go down as an iconic photo:

What I worry about most is Ukraine.

With Trump in power he will will not block Putin. The money and arms will dry up and it’s inevitable they will lose.

He will claim himself to be the peacemaker, when all he has done is force Ukraine to accept the annexation of large parts of land.


The real Andy Roddick asks us to recall why Trump even needs a new VP and cant use the same one he had last time

Nikki Haley’s son… :dagger:

This is a very funny take down of the ideology that made Vance raise to fame in the first place (I know some people here listen to other podcasts from Rotten In Denmark and Lawboy so this is a good series in general for many here)


Yeah, I think it will be loss of land for peace. I do not personally like the idea of countries getting military aid for war, however the alternative of having 3rd party combatants is also unpalatable, not sure what the right solution is in these cases.

It’s a plan he was already pushing during his first term (presented to him by Manafort). The military escalation only occurred once he left office, because as long as Trump was in office Putin had reason to think they might be able to get a lot of what they wanted without having to use more ammo to get it.


What am I looking at in the photo?

Surely the right solution is to do the right thing?

In the instance of Ukraine, they have suffered at the hands of an aggressive invader, who waged war on them. The aggressor is traditionally an enemy of America and the West. Do the right thing and help them!

You don’t have to go all that far back into history to consider the fall of the old Soviet Union. Ukraine had many nuclear weapons on its territory but it gave them up on the premise that less nukes would make a safer world, and if Russia attacked the west would help.

What should America do now? It should do the right thing! And history will judge.


Remember, anyone who uses “they” in situations like this is a total grifter trying to push a narrative, in this case an incredibly dangerous one that is far more prone to inciting violence than the political rhetoric that accurately describes trump that they’ve been complaining about.

We do not yet know what motivated the shooter, but by all indications he was a Trump supporter for whatever sense there is to make out of that


Fuck sake :joy:

I wanted to call for unity but the teleprompter loaded Friday’s version of the speech so I had no option but to call for civil war


Bullet streak to the right of him.

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Absolutely, just not sure what the right thing is. Is it the support that’s happening now or is there something else that can be done?

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Ukraine hasn’t made enough progress in reclaiming the land even with the influx of arms and money to them.

They’re a nation of 40m holding their own in a fight against Russia. The arms and money are the only thing stopping them being annexed by a major advisary to the United Nations.


Sure I agree. But the arms and money aren’t enough to reclaim the lands occupied by Russia.

I’m just saying that there might well be a time coming where Ukraine accepts the current status quo (where the lands occupied by Russia currently stay with Russia) because the money clearly while helping them hold the fort isn’t necessarily helping them take the land back.

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By the way, I read this morning that the donation thing was a mistake. It was another person with the same name. It did seem strange.
Yet to be confirmed.


The frightening thing about Trump and Putin/Ukraine is that Trump will almost certainly cave in to Putin and what that will almost certainly entail.It is pretty common thinking that for Putin Ukraine is only the start of resurrecting the USSR.He has already made noises about Moldova.
Imagine the NATO countries will be concerned about this,Trump has talked about pulling out of NATO,so the world may rapidly become a very different place.
The chances of Trump and sadly the US isolating themselves,politcally is very real.


The problem with this is that if Ukraine caves in and concedes the lands they have lost by now, it will only be a matter of time before Russia attacks again. Their economy has been transformed into an economy of war, so they will make war, they are now designed for it. That’s why any caving in to Russia will only result in them becoming more and more aggressive. Don’t forget that Eastern Ukraine is an industrial zone, also with a lot of ressources in its ground. If they can permanently call it their own, they will use it in order to become stronger.

There are previous historical examples of this, the most famous one being Germany annexing Czechoslovakia without resistance in 1936, and thus reaching out to their arms industry. That gave them the strength to then start WW2. Without that move, they wouldn’t have been so hard to beat in the first place.

Here, it’s the same: every bit of Ukraine they gain will make them stronger, and eventually more difficult to beat. That’s why, sadly, this war must go on. Stop it, concede them Eastern Ukraine, and we’ll be here in a few years again, talking about the next Russian aggression.