US Election 2024

Trump world is running a multi-pronged attack on the concept of free and fair elections.

  • acknowledge they will accept the results IF the election was fair (emphasis on the second part)
  • insist the other side are trying to cheat the elections and that they dont know that free and fair elections are possible
  • say that there will only be violence if the left dont accept the results of the election (by that they dont mean the results, but their claims to have won regardless of what happens).

You can keep sucking him off, you won’t get anything from him.

He said he would be if he had not turned his head slightly to the right to read a chart on illegal immigrants. At that instant, what would have been a kill shot tore off a small piece of his ear and splattered blood on his forehead and cheek.

Illegal immigrants save Trump.

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We dont have confirmation that he was hit by a bullet. There is lots of reporting claiming the cut came from flying glass shards from his teleprompter getting hit.

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Let’s get a couple of things straight so we don’t have to keep going around.
Trump is not Hitler. Hitler was a product of his own particular time and environment. His burning passion was hatred of the Jews and the desire, which he attempted to realise, to eradicate them.
That’s not Trump. He is a vainglorious narcissist with a unquenchable desire for power and recognition, but he hasn’t called for the extermination of any ethnic group, although his language about his opponents is incendiary. He does have fascistic tendencies and a total disregard for democracy. He has signalled his unwillingness to accept any results that go against his wishes and has already fomented insurrection against the state. Saying those things is not an incitement to violence or assassination, it’s just a statement of fact.
There are shadowy forces at work, Project 2025 is a real thing and the election of Trump would be a severe test of US democracy, one which it doesn’t look like it will survive.
An insurrectionist who believes in autocratic government in the White House, with a pliant SC and Congress filled with his minions is a danger to the State. That doesn’t mean he should be shot. It means he has to be defeated at the ballot box. That’s why Biden’s own egotism is so exasperating.


And any appeasement to the “tone down the rhetoric and stop saying mean things about him” argument make such a proposition much less likely.


Yes, I agree. The facts haven’t changed and they have to be communicated.

Oh the crocodile tears. Just from memory e.g. Obama was frequently called a Marxist, Stalinist, Hitler, Satan, not an American, talk of FEMA death camps and endless other bullshit.
MAGA fans literally violently stormed the capitol. Trump talks about abortions after birth. The list is endless.


He’s no Hitler, but didn’t he talk, previously to his election in 2016, about instauring a recognition sign for all muslims in the US to be obligatorily worn by them? It didn’t happen during his first presidency, but I wonder if it’s still part of his program?


I always find it amusing that it is all the FRW Trump supporters that buy into Covid conspiricy being man made and a government concpiricy, but who was in governmentat the time? Oh that’s right it was their golden boy Trump, but he wouldn’t ever do anything like that to control and manipulate people or to rig the markets for his own personal gain


The shooter was only about 150 meters(!) away. Even a civilian-spec round from an AR-15 would have torn his upper ear off, so that seems more likely. Always a chance to get lacerations from some freak grazing angle, of course.

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Deep State! Tunnels! Dominion Voting! FAKE NEWS!


Yeah, conspiracy theories often require you to believe multiple contradictory things, but the COVID was made by the government is one of the more coherent conspiracy theories of the Q anon types. If you start with the premise that the deep state exists and Trump’s presidency was a threat to them they were actively opposing, then it’s a straight line to viewing COVID as a deep state weapon unleashed to undermine Trump’s presidency and get him out of office. That then also justifies such antagonism to Fauci, to the CDC etc because they are all crucial players in the deep state plot.

Of course, the incoherence is in simultaneously treating it as not a significant risk to their own health. If that was true, then the actual conspiracy would have to be meaningfully different than a bioweapon made in a lab and be more along the lines of just an administrative conspiracy for everyone to pretend a mild cold like virus was really killing people.


JD Vance.

The grift is strong with that one.


I listened to an interview once with John Kerry about his process for picking his VP. He had been reported as a finalist for Gore and said he felt the way the process played out in public was undignified and ultimately kind of humiliating for him to then deal with the aftermath of being passed over. For him it was critical the process for his vetting his candidates was run with a strong commitment to confidentiality and privacy so the people who miss out retain plausible deniability and aren’t left having to answer to the press about what went wrong. This is the way it has been done ever since on the Dem side, and with the exception of Hillary (who always had her own machine) it has been the same small group of people running the process for Obama and then Biden as did it for Kerry.

Trump playing his out in public like a mini season of the apprentice is probably unsurprising to anyone and most likely wont think twice about it, but I think says a lot about how gross he is.


There are also those that claim the shooting was staged, and also have people that think sandy hook was fake. There are all kinds in the world.

I’snt that all politicians?

What I said is not remotely comparable to conspiracy theories. It is a statement of the extent of confirmed facts about the incident. It’s a frankly stupid comment.


Gov. Jared Polis, D-Colo., called on President Biden to change his administration’s previous decision to deny Kennedy Secret Service protection just hours after the Trump rally shooting.“I encourage [Biden] to immediately provide secret service protection for [Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.],”

The have reversed the decision, and he now has secret service protection.

It was supposed to be translated into, its irrelevant to the context of the story how he got injured, and only relevant that someone tried to assassinate him. My bad.