US Election 2024


Not that

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He may have been mentally ill, obsessive or psychotic. But he may have been a bad man, influenced by badness.

The thing is, when people do bad things we default to “they must be mad” because we cannot understand or work out the rationale behind it.

We search for reason. Why behaviour is such.
Sometimes people are really bad.

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How has the party dealt with this? Have they condemned him, reminding him that politics has no place for this sort of violent talk? No, they ignored the comments and gave him a prime speaking spot at next week’s RNC


Thankfully there is only one idiot here so far, re the shooting.

You got your flags wrong. This isn’t like you.


Trump’s now literally taken a bullet for his country , this deranged assassination bid WILL seal his White House return.

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I wonder. Reagan jumped 20 points in the polls after the assassination attempt, but that was a different era with far less polarization and a much slower news cycle. It will make MAGA true believers that much more intense, but I have to wonder how many swing voters there really are who will shift on the basis of this kind of development.

I do think it shifts some attention off Biden, though not necessarily for the better - and the pressure to change the narrative now becomes even more critical for the Democrats.

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How long before this style is in fashion with Trump sporting it ?


Humans are cunts!?

Seems pretty accurate to me.

And I’m a liar for saying what the goobers have done to the discourse is not good…

I’m afraid that this country is pulling us all into a nightmare. The fools have taken over the asylum, and it will only become worse. For any other country, I’d not be so much concerned, but this one has so much weight all around the world that it will influence us all. A bit everywhere, a lot of little Trumps have already appeared since he took power eight years ago, applying the same divisive tactics. If Trump takes power again, that will only increase.

So, what’s happening there is likely to happen everywhere around the world, ie. political violence, likely to degenerate in chaos, or worse, into civil war as you suggest.

I’m also concerned about what this attempt will do to Trump. Most authoritarians get even more tyrannic when they are subject to an assassination attempt, and also more paranoid. Trump is already quite deranged in his mind to say the least, and that latest event won’t help at all. So, imagine him taking power again… :see_no_evil:

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I don’t think a ‘Civil War 2.0’ is a particularly plausible scenario, but something like what Italy saw in the 1970s doesn’t seem improbable. Extreme-left and extreme-right groups engaging in political violence such as bombings and assassinations in sort of two sine waves inverting whichever part of the political spectrum happens to control power. In that sense, it is an oddity that a British MP has been killed for somewhat political reasons much more recently than a US Member of Congress.


Jake Tapper - its important all sides bring down the volume on their rhetoric because what happened on saturday is unacceptable

NYT - Last week we wrote a piece about how Trump is dangerously unfit for office that was to be published in our Sunday edition. In light of saturday’s events we apologize for running it on Sunday in our print edition, but those had already been printed by the time of this event.

Bill Maher - this shooter has now lost the left the supposed moral high ground.

Yet there is absolutely no evidence that this had anything to do with the left or that anyone interprets their political arguments as any sort of incitement to violence. Calling Trump a danger to democracy when he has already done what he has done with Heritage already announcing they dont think a free and fair election is possible with Biden in the white house is not the same as Trump saying that maybe his 2nd amendment people could find a solution to the problems they’d face if Hillary won. Fuck, if there was a political motivation behind this rather than a Hinkley style delusion, it would be more likely this was someone on the right upset that Trump wasn’t going quite Hitler enough (as has been discussed recently by influential on the far right).

Large parts of the left and main stream media are “complying in advance” while the right immediately started blaming the left for what happened and refusing to distance themselves from the most incendiary members of their movement.


Maybe not in the US (although I wouldn’t put it past some of the MAGA idiots to try starting one), but in other, poorer countries.

Yes, if we imagine a situation in which Trump is totally changed by this experience, and stops his own incitement to and celebration of political violence, enforces that across his entire political movement, and becomes committed to majoritarian democracy, then Dems will be in the wrong for saying the stakes of the election are existential. I am a very serious person


From a NYT story about a GOP election clerk who has become the target of MAGA types because of ‘election fraud’, despite the county reporting an 80% vote share for Trump in 2020.

She came to believe, along with millions of others, that Covid was a creation of the federal government used to manipulate the public and steal elections; that two doses of the vaccine would make men infertile; that Trump had been anointed to lead a “government cleansing”; that fighting had already begun in underground military tunnels; that Trump’s election in 2024 was preordained by God; that he would return to power with loads of gold collected from other countries that had capitulated to his power; that, during his next term, Americans would have free electricity, zero income tax and “medbeds” powered by a secret technology that could harness natural energy to heal diseases and extend human life; and that the only thing standing in the way of this future was a deep state so malicious and vast that its roots extended all the way into tiny Esmeralda County.

“The whole idea for Cindy and the rest of them is to cripple Trump,” Zakas said.


As many of the political commentators, both Republican and Democrats have highlighted that it has not helped to label your political opponent the next Hitler, the end of America, end of democracy, so on and so forth. You just have to look at this thread, and other on this site, to get the overly aggressive stance that some people have on Trump. Reflecting back on this, it seems with all the vitriol that this was bound to happen.

Yesterday a staffer to a democrat was fired for posting that the shooter should have gone for shooting lessons so that they don’t miss.

“I don’t condone violence but please get you some shooting lessons so you don’t miss next time ooops that wasn’t me talking,” Jacqueline Marsaw wrote on Facebook Saturday evening, shortly after Trump narrowly avoided being shot in the head during a rally in Pennsylvania.

Marsaw, of Natchez, worked as a field director for Rep. Bennie Thompson.

We have already had one poster here openly admitting that they hoped he had died. Well someone did.

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You mean like “Lock her up”? The well of Trump’s exhorting and encouraging violent sentiment towards his political opponents is impossibly deep.


This just isn’t a serious take. It requires you to invent a version of Trump and the movement he leads to portray them as not warranting this sort of rhetorical opposition (which I appreciate is an invention you are inclined to believe). It requires you to put the need of being coddled into not hearing about real dangers above our actual realty. But most of all, even in your own presentation you are demonstrating that one thing is not like the other.

  • The no name staffer of a member of congress few people know (he does have stature within the party, but he is not known by normies) was immediately fired and his comments condemned
  • The post on this site here in question was immediately deleted

Contrast that with the treatment of incendiary rhetoric from Trump and those around him? What of their own sides actions do they ever condemn or punish?

And yet there is no evidence to believe this was motivated by any such left wing rhetoric.


Is it really surprising that after all of his hate speech, there are people who do see him as Hitler, as a threat to America, as a threat to their way of life?

Trump has done nothing but to incite those very feelings to millions of people. He opened this can of worms and he almost reaped what he’s been sowing for the past 8 years.