Surprised there’s only been 20 fouls in the game so far.
Drury talking about the stadium sounding as an English stadium should. Doesn’t realize it’s the Traveling Kop. And he gets paid.
18 of them have been by Diaz
thats the old gomez there
I want the new one!
Yeah have some of that Johnny Fatginn.
I thought you said rabid and was picturing him frothing at the mouth.
Little smart fucker…yellow ticket
Villa have been paying too much attention to our recent match videos. Their finishing has been terrible.
Out house
nah!! i meant the speed
Can we have a sub or 2 please Klopp?
Danns Gordon Nyoni Clark Mcconnell Bradley Kelleher Koumas and a few others on. Any 1 or 2 of them off.
who plays the much higher line between spurs and villa
Bring on the subs now Jürgen, let them have a run in
Whom do you dislike more? Martinez or McGinn?
Unlucky Joe.
4 changes
Only 4?
its a wash… but martinez is a mean fucker, so he edges it
Hamster features…tuther one is just a dickweed…