Villarreal vs Liverpool, CL Semi Final @Estadio de la Cerámica on 03rd May 2022, 20h00 GMT,

Haha @rab

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee shall not!!

We shall not be moved


shall not

be moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooved

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Criticise 10 more please

Second half more passes already.

Shows the drectness of first half was a tactical mistake.

Scruffy goal, we’ll take it.

Everyone on the pitch just have a shot at goal. We’ll definitely get another.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

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Tbf I don’t really look like my Tinder picture in real life…

They pressed, we panicked

Disappointed. Thought you’d call it first…

Finally, a yellow for the dirty yellows as well.

Does she look like this?

champions league liverpool GIF by BT Sport

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Might stay on here now. Gotta say lads I’m normally off when we are losing. Sounds like it has been ugly today….

Only for League games.

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Brilliant by Diaz


Thought Diaz had found the corner…how close was that.

Best player yet again…think that’s 15 straight MOTM performances.

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It was really the kind of gritted teeth shot that suggests Fab was absolutely fad up with the shitfuckery ^^

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Hotter than his wife.

Moreno is just charging at Virg not attempting to play the ball and nothing is being given

Fabtastic, although I knew it was going to happen.

And that’s because I looked at this forum and got advance notice before my stream caught up with realty!