Virgil VAN DIJK: 2020/21

That’s not entirely true.

We still have Phillips, VDB and Billy the Kid. Granted you would not want to get to the point of starting with VDB or Billy but surely Phillip’s must be close to being ready


Yeah and I was very impressed by Rhys Williams as well in the cup game. But the point is why get one of them in the mix of things while we have so many senior players in midfield waiting in line to get games and show their worth. And that too going out of the way to change our shape to do that. Doesn’t add up IMO.


That’s fine, but can you play CB?

Asking for a friend.


I like it, but also appreciate the replies that we would then be risking all our chips at once.

Guaranteed JK has considered it, so you’re in good company!!!

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Hendo has this shit covered anyway.

That big red S on his chest ain’t there for nothing.


Absolutely. Klopp will have to adapt to the new situation, and I don’t think it’s only for this season unfortunately. When VVD comes back, he’ll probably have lost some of his pace, so that high line won’t be possible anymore, also with him in the defensive line.

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Not sure I see the pace thing as a massive issue to be honest. He’s that good up top he seldom gets caught out anyway. Pace helps sure but in many instances he’s a good step in front of anyone anyway.

Key thing for me now is keeping Matip and Gomez healthy, along with Fabinho and Thiago. Those 4 will hold the back line together quite well I think.

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I admire the optimism in this post, and of course, we’ll have no choice but to deal without big Virg. But a football team is a bit like a house. It’s built on a foundation. Virg and Alli are this foundation, complemented by the other defenders. We have already seen how the house started to show cracks when Alli was removed. The same will happen with Virgil being out, the cracks will become gaping holes.

So for Klopp, the challenge is to rebuild a solid foundation for the team while the season has already started. Hopefully Alli can come back as soon as possible, and then something will have to be done. My bet is on Fabinho becoming a mainstay at the back, partnering either Matip or Gomez, depending on the inevitable injuries happening to these two.

In January, there might be a chance to move for a CB, but given our past record, I don’t think that we will move for one. Klopp will try to make do with what he has at disposal.


“When god closes a door somewhere he opens a window”, as we’ve already seen in the past with Trent. He was thrown in the team as an injury happened and the rest is history. Imo Klopp will find a solution again.


Admirable words and I agree with you. However, don’t forget people are angry and frustrated about what happened to Virgil and Thiago on Saturday and also about Everton’s all round shithouse approach to the game.
Where I live, the pubs are closed now and you can’t socialise with people outside your own household, so there’s nowhere to vent your frustrations. So people turn to forums like this to say stuff that would normally be discussed over a pint or two.
People will calm down over the next few days, as the Ajax game approaches, we’ll circle the wagons (because most of the country want us to fail) and get back to supporting the best team in the world, because that’s what we are, World Champions!! COYR


Re the last point, I hope we go for one of those we will likely have picked out as a summer signing, bring them in early and if in the summer we feel we have too many then sell Matip. Good player, but his fitness is nowhere near reliable enough bearing in mind roster slots are limited.


Fair play. Eric’s growing on me.

The tweet wasn’t that exciting. :smirk:


The last CB we signed in January did alright for us.


No, but I am

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You mean Virgil? That’s a bit of a special story as you know, he was meant to join us the previous summer already. But otherwise, since Klopp has come in, we haven’t broken the bank for any major reinforcement in January.

Special circumstances now though. Much like the club trying to bring forward Naby’s arrival I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see any defensive recruitment we had planned for the summer brought forward, if possible.

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But is there anyone earmarked for next summer though, I wonder?

If there is the price just went up 10mil.


Jurgen believes in team harmony, commitment and harmony… for that reason alone I doubt he will be bringing anyone in and rocking the boat unless another bad injury occurs to the players he has…
He knows how to rally the troops… how many times has he over achieved with what he has…
These players of his/ours will rise to the task…
Besides, going down the ‘buy now regret later’ route travelled so many times by Gaurdiola… is not, what we are about…!

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