Virgil VAN DIJK: 2020/21

But it cannot be a “told you so” if it was entirely predictable, given the WELL KNOWN injury history of Matip especially, and Gomez to a lesser extent.

Its a tough convo to have atm; I understand that. But hey…

In any case, I’m equally interested in how the team evolves to deal with this…

Also the odds of the player who hasn’t missed a game for two years being ruled out for the rest of the season was equally low. Can understand why the club would have considered 2 CBs + Fabinho a good enough cover for the other position at least till Jan.

Agreed on the odds, re VVD.

But that wasn’t the issue though…

It was about the odds on Matip and Gomez…


That’s actually the opposite of how chance works. VvD is not superhuman and he’s had injuries in the past it’s very likely he will get at least one or two injuries in a 3 or 4 year period. If he’s gone over 2 and a half years of that period with no injury it’s making it nearly guaranteed he would get injured at some point. It’s bad luck that it’s such a bad one but it’s also been incredibly lucky that it’s taken this long for him to miss game time.

I was hoping he’d go ballistic against that shower of shit, I guess he’s a much better man than me (not a surprise).

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Which we were never going to do. Fabinho is your depth option at CB. He’s fourth choice, regardless of where else he can play.

What you wanted was a CB to sit on the bench. Fine, I understand that, but it’s highly unlikely that we’d find a lad who would be willing to do that and be better than Fabinho.

As soon as we signed Thiago - giving us essentially nine lads for three midfield positions - using Fabinho as fourth choice makes loads of sense.


This is surely a joke? :fearful:

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Nope. He played a game of football on Saturday, so that him for a couple of months.

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Plus asking him to get on and off the team coach twice in one day! How much can a body take?

[quote=“Mascot, post:334, topic:89, full:true”]

Now you are joking. :laughing:

Not sure I understand that. We had Lovren as our fourth CD, remember?

Clearly, under our circumstance, having Fab as fourth choice CB cannot be said to make a lot of sense. It wasn’t before now.

It most definitely has been proven now to have never made loads of sense…

We even with VVD have needed another CB capable of organising at the back (which would be some old bastard no doubt). Lovren was bought for that and was nearest we had to that. We let him go it only stands to reason we replace him. Fabinho is no CB and certainly has no organisation skills in that position. Matip is usless even if fit at organiseing the back and Gomez seems to be having enough problems finding himself let alone organising others.
It was an enormous error letting Lovren go without getting in a replacement imo but hey let’s stick Gomez and Fabinho back there together and see what happens.

It was a risk, going with 3 recognised CBs, that has come to bite us on the arse. Yet there is no understudy whatsoever for VVD. We’d still be fckd now had we made that purchase.

It is Monday after all. Makes DS look like superman’s tougher older brothers’s titanium pitbul.

Sadly not. He came off the pitch complaining of an injury, went for a scan which found nothing, and now Klopp has to decide whether to risk him against Ajax.

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Yes, and he wanted to leave last year as well as this one. He was also not as good as Fabinho.

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So how come whenever he’s played there he’s looked more than capable.


He was not as good as Fabinho?
Someone who played in the world cup final? vs someone who’s played CB for us a total of 2-3 times?

There’s no point continuing with this…you have to be kidding me…

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Nice idea…although highly unlikely to occur.

Without a note of vigilantism–and you may appreciate this–I had a boss years ago who played on the same minor league organization as the great Gordie Howe. Told me of a season, where some “tough guy” on another squad blindsided Gordie at center ice and literally knocked him out (no penalty). The rest of the game, Gordie and this bloke simply skated their game and no incident all the remainder.

He said that nearing the end of the season, the two sides met again (months apart). The dirty bloke was skating near center ice, and Gordie came up and (legally) knocked him into next week. Says Gordie told him: “don’t ever pull your shit on me again, got it?”

Pickford could always keep his head on a swivel with us…just never know.

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Not for nothing is there the expression a ‘Gordie Howe hat trick’