Virgil VAN DIJK: 2020/21

Not sure operating as fourth official can be called being stood down… They no doubt have a roster they all have to fulfil… Atkinson and the rest of the incompetent cronies have acted as fourth official in plenty of matches in the recent past… Premier League spin doctors letting the heat go out of the situation me thinks… I would think ‘Stood Down’ term should relate to being ‘barred’ from ANY footballing duties for the foreseeable future… Would be interesting to discover how much salary, if any… he will lose. Probably no difference between fourth official to that of the referee…?

And he’ll still be paid his fee plus expenses for being the 4th twat on the line, who holds the board up at the end of each half.


4th official for our game would be nice. Just so Klopp can have a few choice words with him, in the German equivalent of both barrels type of manner.

The similarity between the FA and a number of politicians ( Uk and US) is frightening right now.


“Something happened in a football game that should not have happened,” said Klopp.

“Both challenges (on Van Dijk and Richarlison on [Thiago]) were difficult to accept.

“Injuries happen in football, very often in challenges, very often both players try to play the ball but it was not the case in these two challenges (Pickford and Richarlison) and that makes it very difficult to take.

“You can play football without these kinds of challenges.

“If you do something wrong you have to deal with the consequences, but in this case Van Dijk and [Thiago] are the ones dealing with it.

“It doesn’t feel right. We all accept that injuries can happen, but it should be in a normal challenge.”

Well said Jurgen


I just hope he comes back stronger but, man, this is hard to take. He’s tough to play against but he’s never been a thug to his opponents, at least not to my knowing. I hope he reacts to it the way he reacted to his previous long-term injury that he suffered at Southampton (incidentally, I watched that match and remember that particular moment and it took him at least six months to recover). This one will take much longer, I hope he can be ready for the next season. ACL injuries are always a nightmare but players sometimes recover fully.


To be fair, I find the holding up the board thing patronizing…which given Coote is a shithead is exactly how it should be!

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I wonder what is been said behind the scenes at EPL HQ

those images of Pickford doing what he did would have been shown around the world,

is the images that the EPL want to portray to footballers and fans around the world

come to the EPL where potentially career ending challenges go unpunished?


He’ll probably fuck that up as well


After Bayern outbursts on learning they’ve appointed those two idiots for their CL game they will have no chance of getting any British Refs in the Euros and the WC again

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Martial thinks he is still playing with France haha OG


They will quietly admit they got it wrong. They will determine to make a statement next week in sending off the first keeper who looks at an opposition player the wrong way. Then on Saturday, some Sheffield United striker will square up to Adrian and throw himself on the floor. Adrian will be sent off and the PL/PGMOL will be content to have shown that they now get it and we’re treating this properly now.

Only to then forget about it next week and allow Ederson to murder someone and give it as a goal kick.


Chocolate coconut, he’s obsessed with them.


Aww, that is really nice gesture from Guardiola to send his good wishes to Virgil.

Many high profile football people have been sending their get well soon wishes.


This is literally the gambler’s fallacy.


Not a gambler but have a rudimentary knowledge of how chance is worked out in mathematics.

But by that logic, there shouldn’t be a term called ‘injury prone’ players. Players who are known to get injured often, actually have a higher probability of getting injured and missing games more than others. Whereas players who don’t get injured often ideally shouldn’t have long lay offs going forward as well, unless something unusual like that tackle happened.

The club would have considered a higher percentage availability for Van Dijk based on the pattern obtained from past few years, whereas lesser for the likes of Gomez. And hence I had stated the below.

Completely disagree. Van Dijk had injuries at normal rates before his move to Liverpool the 2 and a half year period of no injuries is the anomalous period not the rest of his career plus this season. Looking at his career as a whole on the day he moved to Liverpool it was likely that he would have an injury or two within his first 3 or 4 seasons with us. Not quite one a season, he’s definitely not got a history prone nature (like Matip or Lovren) or even a likely injury most seasons (like Gomez) but at least a niggle or two every few seasons. By looking at that likelihood the chances that that injury or two then still happen in what remains of the (now much shorter) period actually increases not decreases as none have happened during the first 2 and a half years.

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The more a player plays without suffering an injury doesn’t make it more likely he’ll suffer any injury. Fatigue-related injuries, sure, particularly if overplayed. But not the type of injury suffered by Van Dijk. That could happen equally to any player, regardless of how much they’ve played without injury in the past.


If something is likely going to happen once in 5 events and hasn’t happened in the first 3 that means it’s more likely to happen in the remaining two. They aren’t looked at afresh and given another 1 in 5 chance. That’s how calculating probability works. The contentious issue with injuries is you can never know for sure the likelihood of injuries. But Van Dijk had a reasonable length of career before joining us to base a rough guess on. It was always likely he would pick up an injury at some point. We’ve been lucky it’s taken so long especially as we’ve been increasing the chances of it with less rest time, more games and him becoming more of a target. What we are unlucky with is the type of injury. It could have been a game or two missed or even a couple of weeks. It’s been the one of the worst type of injuries and that’s very unlucky.

That reiterates what I mentioned about him going missing for rest of season or even majority of season because of the probability of him getting injured more because of being injury prone.