Virgil VAN DIJK: 2020/21

We need update on this, what CL round could he be fit for?

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Hoping, praying, that Holland gets knocked out in the group stage of Euro so that VVD gets proper rest and preseason for the next season.

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It is going to be near impossibleā€¦However, given how Holland got a good 2nd string backline without VVD, I donā€™t think they will be rushing him back so early at the group stages. It is more possible that he gets game time from subs appearances and then full blown into the starting lineup after the group stages.

Hopefully, the national team could us a favour by doing that.

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What you say is sensible. But I havenā€™t seen the NT managers act in a sensible manner.

Guess you donā€™t know Frank de Boer and his big ego. He will play van Dijk in all the games if he gets the chance. For example, he knew we needed Wijnaldum very badly since almost all of our CB were injured just like Thiago but de Boer played Wijnaldum in all 6 internationals in Oktober and November even in the meaningless friendlyā€™s.

The only reason why van Dijk will not participate in the EC is being not fit, not due to that brainless manager.


Ordinarily Iā€™d agree. I think at this level players are far more replaceable with a peer than we often argue, especially in England where weā€™re often gnashing our teeth over the loss of any specific player for a summer tournament. Iā€™d put Virgil in that tiny group of players for whom that isnā€™t true. He is not just superior to anyone youā€™re going to find to replace him, but everyone knows it. Even at the caliber of players who are going to be in the tunnel ready to a play Semi or a Final, the effect of seeing Virgil lining up on the other side is significant.

Iā€™ve long argued there are typically only about 3 or 4 players tops who have this stature among the worldā€™s top pros. I can make a pretty strong case that right now neither Ronnie nor Messi have held that status for about 3 years leaving Virgil arguably in that group by himself. I think that creates a tremendous pressure to use him before heā€™s otherwise ready.


Seriously though, is there a way to prolong or slowdown his rehabilitation? I have very bad vibe about Euro.

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I think if the club gets their way he will have the right amount of timeā€¦ Interesting point from the latest Athletic article by Hughes/Pearceā€¦

ā€œKlopp, who has a sport science degree, has already overseen changes after the club hired Dr. Andreas Schlumberger as head of recovery and performance in December. The pair previously worked together at Borussia Dortmund and he was poached from Schalke as Liverpool were made aware of the German sideā€™s dire financial position. One of Schlumbergerā€™s influences so far has been a greater insistence that players do additional physical work before returning to the first team from injury, which is why Jota and Naby Keita were both given a little more time than expected before being restored to action.ā€

Klopp clearly got sick of players coming back, getting injured again.


To be honest if he is fit he will go to me itā€™s a 50/50 thing, he probably benefits from proper game time but yeah too much externtion could risk relapse. Then again we canā€™t wrap him up



Obviously not a recent picture.

That fat bastard Alisson would have stolen his McNuggets if it were.


Letā€™s hope that Klopp is right. We need the two lads next season, and thereā€™s zero reason to risk their health for such a sad sideshow. Thatā€™s what this Euro tournament will be this year.

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Can you imagine what Flappyā€™s nerves will be like next time big Virgil goes into the box for a corner against himā€¦ Especially when he notes that Virgil has just pulled his shirt sleeves above his elbows to display how pointy and sharp he has honed themā€¦ Flappy T.Rex will probably have to put a nappy on before he goes out onto the pitchā€¦ Canā€™t wait.!! :joy:


If the 8 weeks is correct then that would leave just the final game against Palace, so no chance he could be picked for Holland in the summer. Better for Virgil to stay in Liverpool and make sure he is properly fit for pre-season.


I am not sure who it was (maybe Falcao for Columbia?) but I am pretty sure there have been cases where players went to big tournaments after similar situations like VvD.

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There are some ambiguity with that timeline:

  1. What is the cut-off period for that 8 weeks?
  2. What is meant by return; return to team practice! return to match fitness!

Considering that the Euro is still over 11 weeks away, I wouldnā€™t rule him out of playing. However, I feel Klopp is sticking to his gun (at last) about not risking VVD and De Boer is conceding to that without losing face.

Not to sure about the exact meaning of return in 8 weeks, but in my view, after being out for almost the entire season, he should be getting a minimum 4-5 games under his belt before Holland even consider picking him.

Best case scenario is he is fit for 1 game before the Euros. I donā€™t care who you are, you would need more than 1 game to be selected for a major international tournment where you will be playing 3 games in 7-8 days


I think he will be okay for the Euros. Not 100% anyway. If Holland pick him with no game time is there choice. Say JĆ¼rgen is hoping for a slight setback but nothing that wonā€™t keep him out for an extra week or two. Gotta be dirty and ruthless with Holland, sure even make it up lol

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Turkey just took lead against the Netherlands :blush:

2-0 Turkey, VVD, pack your bags :grin: