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Ahhhh that’s just what I needed to see this morning. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Bonus and a warm welcome to the world, little Finn.

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Congratulations. I like the name as well, Finn Bonus.


Congrats @anon59854308 and Mrs Bonus.

Named after a former captain by any chance?

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Or even… Wynn Bonus :0)

Well Done… Have you got his football boots on under his shawl
Welcome to the sleepless nights and Zombie-land for the next 18months :0)

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Ok, I have quite the recent event to share

Short version: my ex who I amicably share custody of my three daughters called me…she was assaulted by her husband (which he has been doing for some time but she has been concealing it). My second daughter walked in on it inadvertently and my ex’s husband threatened to kill her (my daughter).
Police were called and the guy is in jail now and my ex is leaving him. I’m going to make sure they are safe and start the processes to bring them back home to London ASAP (They’re in Sydney).
Also, he has an ice/methamphetamine addiction that he has been forcibly funding using my ex’s wages (she’s a GP). He isolated her there and has been posting stuff on Facebook using her account as if it’s she that’s posting.


Very sorry to hear that @Iftikhar. Please accept my condolences.

He sounds like a decent chap. Get them back to the UK, as soon as possible.


That’s horrible to hear. Glad to see that the guy is in jail now. You’re doing the right stuff for your family in getting them back home to London.


As long as they’re safe now, that’s the important thing. Hope they throw the book at him.


Yeah same. A lot of it also is managing noise from our respective families. There’s a fair bit of fume coming from my side of the family (mostly my sister who can be a bit harshly protective of me) about how could she get with a guy like this and put herself and our girls in jeopardy. I know my ex went through an abusive childhood which leads her to make bad decisions but some are quick just to apportion blame.

I’m just trying to get the job done and worry about the why/how later


All pretty much understandable. You would do the same if the roles were reversed and your sibling is facing the same issue that you are facing now.

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Utmost respect to you, and it says a lot that she can still turn to you in times of need.


Aw cheers mate, appreciate it. I can’t take much credit as she is the mother of our children and what kind of dad would I be if I let something happen to her. How would they feel.

Plus I’m sorry to say but her immediate family is beyond useless. I’ve lost whatever remnants of respect I had for them. They just anxiously want updates about what’s going on without providing any meaningful assistance.


And of course not flying to Aus when he’s released to offer him the baseball bat of friendship. Mate of mine’s daughter was raped. The guy gets out in a few years. I know exactly what my friend will do….

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Your friend and me both. In fact I’d lend him a hand


In a way it’s a good thing he didn’t get 1 year as my mate would be doing life now. Time has mellowed him. A tiny bit.

he should be sitting in a cafe in Dublin when it happens.

Glad you’re getting them home @koptician. Animals like this who commit DA need locking up for a very long time. :rage::nerd_face:


some of these videos coming out of Lahaina are bizarre.


Thanks everyone, really appreciate your kind words!