What's happening?

Geckos are awakening, saw my 1st house dweller in the kitchen last night. A sickly yellow one the size of my thumb nail. These are completely useless as more often than not they are on the floor, they wriggle quite fast but don’t move. One has to take care when entering a room not to step on and squish these little buggers. Anyway I spotted this one and left it plenty of time to hide under a big cupboard (with a little encouragement in which direction to wriggle as it appeared highly disorientated).

Just arrived at Manchester airport.

The moving walkways are still not working! It must be at least five years since they were last in action.


“moving walkways” Is that the new term for a midfield these days?

No doubt you say “travelator” in your stuck up, snobby, lah-di-dah Australian accent.

In all my years of travelling to work, I avoided those things.
Even half pissed I could walk faster than it would be trying to slalom around all the selfish twats just standing on them whilst they moved at sloths pace

Nobody even remotely “posh” would use the word.

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Is Alligator travelators in the alleys? Escalator should only be for the up direction while those doing down be descalator

Apparently theres a wrong way to hang washing out

Glad to know someone was taking note…:rofl::rofl::rofl:

My ex used to drive me round the bend with her haphazard stacking of plates after doing the washing up.

How difficult is it to arrange them in size order?

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Could be worse. I was got told I was breathing wrong :rofl:

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Well, were you?

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According to my ex I was.

To a rational and sane person, that would possibly be debatable

Fucking absentee landlords.
House next to mine, students living there.
Back of our gardens are just fields.
Students leaving bags of landfill waste in the garden so I contacted the letting agent to let them know and pointed out this could attract vermin from the fields.
Seemed to do the trick, rubbish got moved.

Was out painting my fence yesterday, their side of it.
Had to move their wheely bins, and the food & garden waste one was half full of rotting food and fucking stinking.
Also more bags of rubbish laying around the garden.

Bypassed the letting agent this time and went straight to the council environmental department.
Let’s see if they get back to me.

Next step, confront the dirty lazy cunts living there.


Welcome to my world @Dane , my other side of the house is and HMO, they were overfilling the dustbins and there was mess everywhere and then the foxes come at night and just tear into the bin bags and leaving a stream of mess from the front driveway out on the pavement and some going into my front.

The Businessman Landlord didn’t even answer my calls, I called the Ealing Council and said it was health and safety hazard. If you mention ‘rats’ and health and safety, the landlord will promptly comply. I was so fed up myself.


Sounds like an Eastenders plotline.

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Nah; nobody shagged anyone’s ex.

Unless @Maria is hiding something.

I am not hiding anything. I am the last (wo)man standing to show the neighbours, I’m here and I’m not going anywhere. I just need to get Grant and Phil Mitchell to go over there to have a word.

To be fair the renters on the right side smile and say hello and they are not noisy, just messy. The one on the left is a greedy businessman who just wants to grab anything in sight.

43 C degrees right now.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Delhi must be even hotter :fire::hot_face:

Here, it’s a balmy 36, feels like 40 :expressionless: