What's happening?

Okay. Not how I’d chose to spend my time but if it works for you…!
Hopefully Liverpool at least will give you some glory before the summer season


What would you chose to do?

Sorry I’m not trying to pry and I don’t know your financial and other circumstances but I think I’d really put all my effort into leaving the dysfunctional workplace. You say you’re too old at 58 but you may (hopefully) have another 25 years and (while you don’t want to spend them all working of course) your satisfaction with the next 10.years will really colour your satisfaction with what comes after. Ask yourself what would you want to do if you were 38? There is no reason necessarily you can’t still do that at 58.

When I was 38 I was like a vegetable.
Sure leaving where I am now is a way forward though not something that’s going to happen at the snap of my fingers. Did you read my post?
How old are you?
What are you capable of doing?

Again, sorry I’m not trying to judge just suggesting that if your work situation is horrible it’s never too late to change.

I’m younger (40s) but worked in a soul destroying M&A job until I quit to be a stay at home dad when our youngest (twins) were born. Subsequently retrained as therapist and now do a mix of volunteer and private client work in addiction and am regularly impressed how amazingly well older men can do when they want to change. You say you were a ‘vegetable’ at 38 so obviously you know much more now - trust yourself and think of where you could be in 5 years time.

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i honestly, hand on my heart, dont reckon that happens…

whinging for an hour is quite an admirable acheivement in itself,even if you were to whinge about multiple subjects, let alone just the one… but then finding a jukebox…of all things…and playing a ‘shitload’ of Bowie (signifies maybe 5 plus somgs i assume) …surely before you got to track 5 youd throw on something else, just to mix it up a bit…

when i think on it…id be amazed if it ever happened

It’s just a start, for me at least.

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maybe…but i cant imagine you staying on topic for an hour…

even if you jump that hurdle…is your next move to find a jukebox?

Packing for trip from Sydney to Berlin.

20 X colourful t-shirts
Smart shoes
Smart jackets

Ripped jeans
Doc Martens
20 X black t-shirts
Bondage gear

The bondage gear goes everywhere, no? :wink: Although the Sydney scene is much smaller and tamer than Berlin, allegedly. Also question the smart shoes staying in Sydney. They think RM Williams boots are black tie dressy, FFS. German shoes are much nicer.

PS. Those black Ts would also come in handy in Melbourne. TBH, Melbourne may be less of a culture shock than Sydney if you are going to be coming and going a lot.

Melbourne is generally more European.
Much more formal dining in Sydney than Berlin.

Sydney is beach during the day and restaurants at night.
Berlin is park during the day and bars at night

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Very few restaurants in Syd require formal shoes! A jacket over tshirt will get you into the worthwhile eastern suburbs ones AFAIK. In fact the flex is generally dressing down.

That may be, but I am not a yobbo.

Craig of the sparkling/champagne from the bottle? :rofl:

Think this song was written for you:

Is the following a consequential outcome?

I would like to think it is but I cannot help but see how this ruling/decision can be exploited…


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Exploited in what way? Expecting gun owners to take appropriate care of their weapons is surely the absolute minimum gun control that anyone would expect.

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Am thinking it adds to the it wasn’t my fault, defence, that my parents were rubbish… I hope the first component is more pivotal, I.e. the facilitators are brought to face up to their abdication of responsibility.

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Well there are plenty of cases of toddlers injuring people with carelessly kept firearms so there are a fair few irresponsible parents.

I see what you mean about the personal responsibility, though. However, as far as I am aware, that isn’t being seen as a mitigating factor.

Sounds horrendous at your workplace, hang in there Flobs, dig in your heels and stay calm as possible. Wish we could help you.

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