What's happening?

Prayer for him :pray:.

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Fairly routine, heā€™s having his tonsils out and perhaps his adenoids as well. His airway is too constricted, which causes him difficulty with breathing at night, so removing his inflamed tonsils will hopefully help.


Not fun for him but given what you could have saidā€¦. Ice-cream by the gallon :slight_smile:


When I had my adenoids out, my 1st ever operatio, it was one of the best moments and memories I have. The nurses were fantastic, the other young patients just great. A real fun time that passed all to fast due to being anaesthetised and wakeing up wondering why I was in a bed.
Hope all goes well for him and he has great memories like mine or doesnā€™t remember a thing whatever is best.

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first and last operation hopefully

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When I went into hospital to have mine out the police placed a load of armed guards around the perimeter, which I thought was good of them if just a bit over the top.

Turns out Thatcher was in at the same time having her eye operation.


That just goes to show how the times have changed. Thatcher got rid of the wonderful childrens ward that I was in. Really special, I donā€™t know if you ever knew them, prefab looking things from the 2nd WW, like the Polish camp I used to visit with my Dad, on the otherside of the road from the multistory carpark looking monstrosity where they allocate a corner for the kids these days. Oh and with nowhere near enough parking.
The childrens ward is no more, I think itā€™s a Sainsburys now.


when my son was one, he had some issues. we went to Childrenā€™s Hosp in Vancouver for a few meetings and tests and he ended up getting tubular implants in his ears. that place is amazing.

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I am now seriously thinking about moving to Canada. :wink:

I fractured ny skull when I was six years old. I was rushed into hospital by ambulance with the sirens going. Iā€™m not sure how long I was in but it was brilliant. I was spoiled by all the nurses and my family when they visited (even my nemeSIS. My next youngest Sister :wink::joy:).
In those days there was a dedicated ā€˜Childrenā€™sā€™ hospital. I spent quite a lot of time visiting it for one reason or another. It was still in operation until the 80s when a new bigger hospital was built and the smaller hospitals were closed down and amalgamated. :nerd_face:


Howā€™s master Kopstar doing?

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Cheers for asking mate - he was able to come home yesterday afternoon. His throat is pretty tender as you can imagine but otherwise heā€™s in good spirits!


Heā€™s a bit young for the good spirits isnā€™t he?

Wouldnā€™t it be better to start him off on beer? :wink:


Ice cream time?!

Glad the wee man is well - hopefully heā€™s able to scream and shout during the CL final - assuming heā€™s a red like his old man.


Heā€™s actually shown only superficial interest in football so far. Heā€™s up for playing it, as well as cricket and hockey, but heā€™s far more interested in lego! Hopefully heā€™ll grow up to be a red though. A proper one, not like my daughter who seems to have fallen into the dark side and supports Arsenal, like her mum.


I suppose having zero interest in football is preferable to him going with the ladies in the house and supporting Arsenal :rofl:


How did he get on?

Iā€™m now sat in A&E waiting to have half a tree taken out of my hand. Joy.

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How the fuck, why the fuck? what the fuck? FUCK


He got on fine, doctor said his tonsils were very bad though. Grade 4 or something which is apparently the worst/biggest. We high-fived over that.

Good luck getting the wood taken care of!


OK, a fraction of hyperbole :wink: A splinter about 50mm long went in, 10mm snapped off when I tried to pull it out, can feel it in my finger. Should be fun.