What's happening?

True. Your cooking on the other hand.


Donā€™t worry; Iā€™m insulting and nasty enough for two.


Passive aggressive :wink:

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Youā€™re a sweet old man. Stop bigging yourself up.


Fuck off.


I win.

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Win what? :man_shrugging:

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This bit.

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Yes , heā€™s clearly a lesser , older version. Iā€™ve bettered him.

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Just so everyone knows where they stand:

Ifti - Top Notch
AN_L - Passive Aggressive
Barry Sith - Agressively Passive
Cynnie - Aggressively Aggressive (but loves tickles)


Needy. So, so needy.


Fluffy unicorns the lot of you


Howling! Dying!

Cynnieā€¦so good. If I had an iota of courage, I would call him that.


Great to hear that youā€™re not dead Ifti. I hope everything gets back to normal for you soon.


The content on this thread is far superior to that on the unreliable rumors one

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@legalalien @Bekloppt @koptician @Alright_Now_Legend @rupzzz @RedWhippet @Maria @aussielad @ShadesOfRed and rest of the TAN family.

A military junta took over when I was just 10. So, Iā€™m exposed/used to atrocities all my life. I donā€™t know what spooked me this time. Was it that I have a daughter who would soon go to university and will be exposed to these atrocities? Was it that Iā€™m just old and donā€™t have the mental capacity to navigate such times? Was it that were really on the edge this time?

July 20, 11 PM. Iā€™m discovering the joy of watching TV. Didnā€™t know there were so many local channels. Didnā€™t know there were so many other channels. Didnā€™t know that most of them are utter and absolute rubbish. Currently watching the WI vs. England Cricket test match. Dear lord, the West Indies are so horrible. I wonder how the likes of Lara and Ambrose can digest this. Earlier, I watched the Bangladesh vs. Sri Lanka game of the Asian Womenā€™s Cricket Championship, and I was amazed to see the great strides our ladies are making to catch up with their male counterparts. They will be rubbish in no time.

Iā€™m bored, agitated, nervous, and exhausted since the internet was cut off on the evening of July 18. Neither the ISP nor the mobile internet is expected to resume until sometime tomorrow (July 21). The government is vociferously claiming acts of sabotage for this nationwide outage. We all know the government is full of honest people full of integrity, so thereā€™s no room to doubt their claim. Specially, when thereā€™s a Special Forces helicopter circling and shooting from above.

Itā€™s been nearly 24 hours since a curfew has been declared and the army (yes, you heard that right, The Army) has been deployed to ensure order and public security. Sorry, did I smirk? My bad. The death toll (the figure our independent, fearless, and full of integrity newspapers are allowed to quote) was over 100 till yesterday but thereā€™s no mention of fatalities in the TV channels. There has been no declared fatalities during today (see, the order and security has arrived). However, we are a nation of ungrateful brats who love nothing more than smudging the good name of the government and the rumors are rife that the fatalities are close to a thousand.

Tomorrow, the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court is due to deliver its verdict on the quota/reservation in government jobs. This is where it all started. The students want the abolishment of the quota/reservation system which sets aside 56% of the government jobs and makes corruption and nepotism even easier. First, the government sent its party thugs, then the government sent the police and RAB (Google RAB if you want to know about them, it will be worth your time), and finally, they sent the Army. Itā€™s widely expected that the court will deliver a verdict in favor of the protestors. The court is subservient to the party and the party is pissing in their collective pants at the moment. So, the question is, why waste all those lives?

July 23, 10 PM. The internet has been restored around an hour ago. But I donā€™t know what the use is as the bandwidth is so low that we canā€™t even exchange messages on WhatsApp or send emails. There are just pockets of workable broadband connectivity in Dhaka. The mobile internet connection has been shut down till now.

July 25, 6 PM. We have workable internet since midday. Hopefully, things will improve from here on.

I know itā€™s rather incoherent, but thatā€™s all I could master in the last few days.


Just think of those poor sods stuck at home like you, @Iftikhar that donā€™t have a zillion flags in the attic, that they can continually furl, and unfurl at their leisure, like you can to pass the time of day :0)

Good that you are back - even though you did miss my name off your priority list :+1:


I missed you my friend. TAN isnā€™t complete without you (and your car/monkey stories). TAN is weirdly calming and Iā€™m slowly getting my bearing back.