Having a colonoscopy tomorrow. Just started the heavy prep kit so the next 18 hours will be “interesting”.
Now on liquid only for a day but one option is coffee with no milk - just to continue the coffee theme of this thread. No complaints, got the sugar out of the coffee years ago and can give or take milk. It can be done.
Need to take the last super lax just around kick off v city. Good timing.
Down here everyone over age 50 gets a free bowel screening kit sent every 2 years. So when I did get around to it I “failed”. Send to the gastroenterologist for next steps which is a colonoscopy.
Good Govt move whoever initiated it. Otherwise men in particular may not bother until it’s too late. Down under here we go. Wish it would hurry up I’m getting hungry.
Been milk and sugar free in beverages for years. I make up for it with a biscuit problem. Must sort that.
However, i’m absolutely shocked that the Canadian Contingent hasn’t waded in with maple syrup yet. That shit works but probably not great withba diabetes risk.
A further suggestion is a turmeric latte but you need Canada juice in that.