What's happening?

I am negative now, surely I should be better now, this has been going on since 22nd May.

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O ohā€¦its not the lurgy is itā€¦

Or if he says ā€œLook! No handsā€

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Different people take different times to recover from covid19. Its a really unpredictable disease in that sense. Only thing to do is to rest up and gain your strength.


I have also lost my sense of taste and smell. It is awful

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That does tend to happen with quite a lot of people and with some variants of the covid19 virus more than the other.

Listen to your body and take care of proper sleep and nutrition. If you are strong enough to walk out , i would suggest to get some fresh air as well.


Was fixing my tumble dryer once in the kitchen and ended up dismantling most of the internal parts. This included for a sizeable solid concrete block that is attached to the base to prevent it bouncing all over the floor on its final spinā€¦ Anyway, the hour was getting late and I decided I would re-assemble all these parts next dayā€¦ So sods law, middle of the night, the dog starts barking like crazy as though someone was trying to break-inā€¦ Up out of bed, flew downstairs to catch the fckerā€¦ ā€˜THUDā€™!
Big toe straight into this concrete block that probably weighed about 20kgā€¦ Well that was me immediately curled up in the foetal position in just my boxers laying on the cold tiled kitchen floorā€¦ never known immediate pain like it in all my lifeā€¦ throb, throb, throb. Was scared to look, but this toe of mine felt like it had ballooned immediately to ten times its normal size, fu
kin stupid dog came over to offer some comfortā€¦ and started licking at the tears running down my faceā€¦
My one and only came downstairs after about 10mins of me not answering her calls because she said she could hear funny whimpering noises (which was probably me but I canā€™t remember), and was getting worried because I never answered her when she was shouting downā€¦
Stayed on the floor for about an hour and scared to move in case it increased this horrendous throb throb throb pain that seemed to be in rhythm with my heartbeatā€¦ Hugging this cold floor without moving an inch my entire body was turning blue with the coldā€¦ all apart from this big toe that seemed to be glowing red hot from the pain and blood pressureā€¦
Eventually got to the bathroom and sat on the edge of the bath in a position that allowed me to trickle the cold water from the tap onto the damaged area of my footā€¦ I could have sworn this water was evaporating on contact with this toe with a sizzling sound like some blacksmith dipping a hot poker into a tank of waterā€¦ So an hour or so of this and the pain still wasnā€™t subsidingā€¦ Iā€™m taking you to A&E she says. So off we go in the middle of the night to the hospital, hobbles through the swing doors and filled out the formsā€¦ Sitting down in a chair with my head in my hands for at least an hour or so, in the feint hope this would help with the throb throb throbā€¦ really canā€™t take this pain threshold for much longer Iā€™m thinking to myselfā€¦ Waves over this nurse and asks if there is any chance of being pushed up the queue or at least get given some strong pain killers that act immediatelyā€¦ She kneels down and has a good look at this toe, looks up at me and says, ā€œdo you want me to sort this for you now, or would you prefer to wait for the doctorā€¦ā€
Sort it now, right now I heard coming from my mouth before she had even finished her sentenceā€¦
Off to a cubicle and I sit on the bedā€¦ This nurse forages about in a couple of cupboards, and as she approaches me I see her folding back and straightening out this metal paper clipā€¦ She says ā€œyou will need to be brave for this, but if the pain is as bad as you say, you will thank me laterā€ā€¦
Iā€™m looking at her thinkingā€¦ WTF is she doingā€¦ then a lighter comes out of her pocket and she flicks a flame and starts wafting it underneath the end of this straightened out paper clipā€¦ bit of discolouration occurs from silver to purple, then from purple to cherry, from cherry and approaching bright orangeā€¦ and Iā€™m seriously starting to think WTF is she up to with thisā€¦
Then in a split second and in a blur of movementā€¦ The pliers type thing she had in her hand clamping this once ordinary paper clip, darted forward and punctured through my toenail with the most horrendous ā€˜sizzlingā€™ noise you could ever imagineā€¦ Well that was itā€¦ if I thought I can handle the pain up to that pointā€¦ this now was a whole new level I never thought even existedā€¦ I donā€™t think there was a floor level in that hospital that didnā€™t hear my scream at that momentā€¦!
Blood squirting out of this tiny puncture hole was reaching the ceiling, the walls, me, her and everything else inside that cubicleā€¦ stay still, stay still will ya she was shouting at me trying to cover with a cloth this fountain of red spray that was obviously under tremendous pressure from amassing in my toeā€¦
Half an hour later and it is still pumping out now and againā€¦ In she walks with a cup of tea, little grin on her face, " Is it still hurting she asks"ā€¦ That night, just through stubbing my toe, brought pain upon me like I had never imaginedā€¦
Got a rule in my house for myself these daysā€¦ when getting out of bed, put my shoes, slippers or boots on straight away :0)
So Iā€™m thinking, when does next season start againā€¦ crap this with no football on the horizon :0)

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@sandsoftime, oh no, hope your toe is much better. Always wear slippers or house shoes. What is that saying ā€˜most A and E accidents happen in the homeā€™.

I have hurt my foot a couple of times when I was rushing downstairs without any house shoes.

I remember dodging my friendsā€™ cat at their house in wooly socks on their hardwood floors an age back and breaking my toe when my foot slipped and banged into the foot of their couch. the words that left my mouth were unrepeatable.


Cyfrifiadur? Gwalltgof? Llongyfarchiadau?

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I helped our Medical Officer (MO) and my Armourer mate (Glass eye*) do the same thing to a Marineā€™s (Mne) toe many years ago. Weā€™d just issued weapons and were having a coffee when the MO turned up at the armoury workshop with the Mne in tow. The Mne is carrying a boot and sock and is barefooted on one foot. The MO asks if we had a hand drill. He then spies the massive pedestal drill in the corner and says ā€œeven betterā€.
I had to assist my Mate in helping the Mne stand on the drilling plate of the drill while the MO sanitised and sterilised the tiniest bit that we had. The MO then delicatey drilled into the toenail with a much less dramatic blood effects than yours. Iā€™d forgotten all about it until reading your story.

*Just a quick explanation of Glass Eyeā€™s name. In the military names are reversed. So Joe Smith and Harry Jones would become Smith J and Jones H. Glass Eyeā€™s namecwas Ian Glass, hence Glass Eye.

Did you lose your toenal @sandsoftime? :nerd_face:


After 2 yearsā€¦I tested ART positive for Covid for the first time (or at least I know of) just a few hours ago. Scratchy throat, feeling slightly feverishā€¦but just overall tiredā€¦

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oh no. Get well soon gasband. Its horrible. I hope your symptoms are very mild.

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Certainly didā€¦ It hung on for dear life for weeks flopping about and getting attached to my socks at every chance, which then made it extremely difficult to take them offā€¦ Anyhow, the new nail growth finally ousted it altogether, but it has never ever looked like my old toe didā€¦ It is a constant reminder of that painful night every time I look at it :0)


Oh maaaaaan, you are some storyteller :heart_eyes: :clap:

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consider myself very lucky that Iā€™ve lost both big toenails numerous times playing footy and theyā€™ve always grown back like normal. no joke, probably 5-6x each big toe, the nail has come completely off.


I really banged mine on holiday once (your neck of the woods) which loosened it. Then walked into the bed when I came home which sent it up 90 degrees. Was ā€œfunā€ at A&E.

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I apologise that this has become the toe thread! :rofl:

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32Ā°C here today no wonder my airconditionning felt a tad warm (glad I have it).

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