What's happening?

Hiya RW…I’ve got a replacement for you…this little bleeder

Free to good home…2 yesterday…the way he behaves, he’ll not see 3…


We went for a rescue that was 2…still a lot of work but not puppy levels of madness.

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Can have my tosser of a dog too. Hes just gone 6


To those who sent their good wishes three weeks ago, my mum is out of hospital and is on the mend.
I’m going back to Sydney on Tuesday.
Very relieved.


That is good news​:pray::palms_up_together:, hope she stays well.

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Thanks M :+1:t3::slightly_smiling_face:

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What I am feeling right now is, i am really, really depressed! I just don’t know how to get out of it. It is the current state of affairs in the world.
I am disillusioned with our current UK govt and and don’t get me started on Trump and his criminal cronies.

When will we see some positivity? I can’t see any light at the end of the tunnel.


This is why we’re Liverpool fans :slight_smile:

If you feel depressed about the world, just look at a picture of Virgil, or Mo, or Ali, or any of them and you will feel a great happiness coursing through your veins.

Works for me every time.



To add to what @Bekloppt said, if you’re really desperate, there’s always:

This is one of my favourites.

For the connoisseur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXnpbaKWHXc


This season I have spent many hours stareing at the league table. Great feeling.


Yep…go to Redalways suggestions…Don’t worry…The Canadians are playing Trumpy at his own game…and there is always a plethora of conversation on TAN…


Spent at very worrying and stressful half hour looking for our new puppy.

I’d been napping on the chair, woke up and the missus was doing stuff upstairs.
Asked her where the dog was, and she said she thought it was with me.
Went all around the house calling her name, checked front & back garden, no sign.

I went off to look around the neighbourhood, no sign.
Got back and the missus is at this point very anxious.

Our gardens are totally enclosed, no way she could have got out on her own.

Searched the house again, calling out her name, nothing.
Thinking by now that someone had taken her from the garden, I said I was going to the police station.

Just about to leave the house when the missus asked if she could be under the chair when I closed my recliner.

Extended the recliner and out popped a very excited puppy.

Lesson learned there


Thanks guys. Sending you all virtual hugs. I also need to get off social media for abit.

My friends go ‘therapy shopping’ when they are feeling down, but i am not into that.

Or put on 2005 and 2019 Champions League finals on.


When an anecdote begins like this you know you’re no longer young. Have you compared notes with @cynicaloldgit ?


Managed to get Mrs C-L pretty much back to where she had been before that latest setback in October. Hearing is back to normal, practicing walking with a stick, stairs etc. Language/understanding almost back to where she was before that.


The global aphasia thing still is a total c##t d#+k b#tch to deal with though. She’s making progress all the time, but there are certain things (spontaneous speech especially) that are mostly like a brick wall.


You’re an absolute legend for all you do.


The therapists are great, physiotherapists especially, going to a new place for a while, she really likes going there. They have a good attitude and atmosphere. The rest we can do at home (practice, practice, practice)


This lad needs your help.

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