What's happening?

Damn I was not expecting a serious answer. :rofl:

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So @gasband, how did you come by your name? :thinking::nerd_face:

He sticks tape over his arsehole as he farts so much?

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A beautiful melody plays everytime a blowtorch is placed near my ass.

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I highly recommend these:


bbc GIF

Wowā€¦I sure hope my does not smell like the brandā€¦rotten burgerā€¦

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Had an early start today. Can you tell? Took the bloke a minute to notice too before he ran outside to tell me. Had 2 x Ā£20 in my pocket.

Iā€™ve got one for burning away the weeds that pop up between the cracks of the pavers around my pool deck. Way easier, cheaper and more effective than using a chemical weed killer in a pump spray. The probelm is I resurfaced/sealed them last summer and the coating can burn so Im not sure Im going to be able to use it this summer.

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Iā€™ve got a long handled one for the weeds in front and at the back of our house. Not on our property mind you, in the pavement cracks that the council are supposed to clear. I do ours and our elderly neighbourā€™s. The neighbour on the other side does his but the rest of the row donā€™t bother. They can grow up to waist high given the right conditions. So can be a pain for Mumā€™s with prams. :nerd_face:


Wow! Per Mare, Per Terram"
Were you Commando 3, 40, 42 or 45?

To pass Royal Marines course is huge. It is one of the toughest military courses in the world. Very few pass this course.

I always love the last part, where the trainees, after a gruelling run, the 30 miler, they get presented with their Green Beret by their mentors.

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I was a Reservist (RMR) @Maria. Similar to the Territorial Army (TA). We were our own unit based in Birkenhead, with a satellite unit in Manchester that specialised in heavy weapons (HW) mortars and anti tank weaponry. There were also units in London, Newcastle, Glasgow and Bristol, who each had their own satellite units with various specialities.
We trained two nights during the week and a couple of weekends each month. I know I sound biased but our unit was better trained and fitter that the others.
I was in for six years but a change of job and shift patterns meant that I couldnā€™t meet the commitments and so I moved to the TA. I did twenty one years in that before hanging up my boots in 2011. Iā€™ve got great memories of those times and got to do things and see bits of the world that Iā€™d not have done otherwise if Iā€™d not decided to give it a go. :nerd_face:


Paid for two days ULEZ and Congestion charge in London for our upcoming trip ā€¦ Ā£55 :face_with_spiral_eyes:

This is without parking ā€¦

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You should have spoken to @mattyhurst about the tube.

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Driving in London is not a good idea.


Tube over driving forsure

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I know the tube and we will use it frequently when in London but first you have to get to your hotel donā€™t you. :grin:

Normally I would have taken the fast train from Rotterdam but we are driving after London to Aberystwyth in Wales for a 10-day (golf)vacation.

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After the trip read this. One of the funniest most enjoyable books Ive ever read, but you really have to know Aberystwyth a the Welsh to get it.


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What an amazing life you had Commando.
Being a reservist, you kind of have the best of both worlds.:clap:
I always had a soft spot for the Royal Marines. RM seem to be the complete soldier, all types of sea and land training. :heart:

Royal Marine promotion videos are magnificent. If i was a boy, i would have chosen that part of the navy. Mind you, i wouldnā€™t have lasted in training.:joy:

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