What's happening?

Just don’t drive in London. Period.

You make the air quality worse, it’s an inferior mode of transport to everything else, and it makes congestion worse.


FIFY. On environmental grounds. :sunglasses:


We did a lot of walking some areas, we had hotels in two different areas. Near Vauxhall Bridge for a few days then Russell Square for a few more…did a lot of Piccadilly Circus/Charing Cross/Covent Garden/Leicester Square/Soho, and the Thames walk by hop on/off bus.

I was in search of “Toad in the Hole” one day so went for a bit of a trek to find it. There’s a company that owns a ton of pubs in that area that one of the managers actually helped me locate it at one of their locations. it was worth the effort. but in terms of the tube, it had to be done (especially with a 4yo who could walk for a few hours then needed a break):

Mind the Gap


Had worse days:


Temperature today 37°
Temperature tomorrow 15°

Thunder in the distance.


What’s the humidity like?

Happy there’s no football atm. Far too hot, reaching 42°C in the afternoons, the big problem is the house where it doesn’t drop below 28°C. No way could i handle a match in this I would end up in sofapool.
Colleague at work slipped a disc so my hours are changing and long (at least there’s air conditioning then again I’m in the kitchen a third of the time. of course when I arrive they left the doors open during the day and cooked on an ‘open fire’ grill inside the restaurant :hot_face:). Oh! … and the doors are out of operation, I’m locked in or the clients are locked out (I make sure it’s the latter :grin:).
Worst thing at work atm the mens toilet, listen you idiots leave the cleaning to the semi professionals otherwise it ends up everywhere except in the toilet.

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Just imagine, FIFA were quite happy to have the World Cup in Qatar right now, where it’s currently 45°C with a low of 32°C.

Nothing sums up FIFA better than Russia 2018, Qatar 2022

sepp blatter money GIF


Nothing like in Asia

It’s 14° now :cold_face:

Poo happening here. Two loos gargling last couple of days when took a shower or bath even in other bathrooms so plumber called. Diagnosed roots cracking old terracotta sewer line - longer term may need to dig up and replace entire 50m line through garden to street but whats recommended now (just 8m out of 50) and trap will cost 12k and necessitate digging up and replanting (or losing) copious shrubs and a lovely camellia tree.

Yes, but remember the promise of air conditioned stadiums and proprietary outdoor cooling technology. All that very believable stuff they said that absolutely was not just a poorly crafted excuse to justify selling the tournament to a despotic petrostate,

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never plant trees and big shrubs anywhere near your water and sewer lines for this exact reason…

Yeah all these trees predate me (including 100 year old elm and jacaranda) and apparently modern PVC pipes aren’t prone to root ingress like 19/20 century terracotta.


the bloom of a jacaranda is worth the work, hey.

Unfortunate that the work is going to cost $$$$

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Are you in India ?

Just a thought…
many modern ways of replacing a sewer line these days without having to dig a trench…!

Ooh! I lived in a house with a birch in the garden. Roots clogged up the sewer and even got into the water supply.
Unblocking the sewer was a very muky murky job, at least I could get to it from the cover, roots were growing up the pipe toward the toilet on the other side of the wall.

Now you tell me? :cry:

You know damn well I live and work in France! :wink:

thanks. Yeah relining isn’t appropriate as a section of pipe has dropped. May be able to reline the other ~40m in future…

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