What's happening?

Just been looking haphazardly into this gaz energy crisis. Manly how much this might cost me.
It’s interesting I have an ancient contract for gaz which links me to a reglemented price which is revised every 3 months I think. Anyway this is being fazed out (I will have to take a liberal contract by july 2023 (which I don’t want to do)). This liberal system when you sign up they tend to guarantee the price for 3 years (so many will be at the end of that 3 years soon) just imagine if they get lumped with 3 years at current/short term future prices. :upside_down_face:
So I hope prices go down before 2023.
The thing is though I occasionally track the prices offered to compare with my reglemented price. Last time I looked all the ‘liberal’ contracts only varied by 2% one from the other (standing charge and price/Kw) but were respectively 25% and 23% greater than what i was paying. So ok the reglemented price will go up soon by 15% yet I remain the winner. Another thing to note is that being very attentif to saving my gaz bills are 2/3 standing charge, 1/3 gaz consumption. So the prices can keep going up I still remain a winner. The fucking system is bonkers!

Just as a side note there’s only 3.1 million consumers who like me have kept their old reglemented contracts. The rest were hoodwinked.
Just looked it up 11 million households are recorded to mains gaz in France.

I am sorry, mate. Maybe it was for the best, but such grievous break ups with someone you have spent many years with is painful regardless.
I know you don’t want pity, but you have my sympathy at least. Wish you all the best !


sorry to hear that, i know we pretty much trash talk in the forums most of the time but if it cheer you up, let me know, I can try to come up with an art piece for you.

But seriously, one of the hardest things for humans to let go of sometimes are relationships with people we love. Take care!


Got a bloke last night, wanted me to bill his room to L’Olympique Lyonnaise.
Asked him for the adresse and he accused me of being tired (a 3 in the morning) I thought me tired he’s off his head.
Anyway some lass helped out by googling the adresse, another wierdo btw.
The bloke then said he was an agent who had taken his young protege to Lyon for a trial. Probably more a local clubs trainer or commitee member but there you go.

I also have to do checkins for the Formule 1 Hotel next door which can be very unpleasant, not just for me but for ‘our’ clients as well.

Btw what would you expect from a 3 star hotel at 4 in the morning?
I got abused whilst logging in to check in this awful Romanian bloke and his familly. Ok I did cause him to wait at the entrance 2 minutes whilst I finished a poop. :upside_down_face:


Sorry to hear that. Lady Godiva much sexier anyway.

That’s a bit of a bombshell.

Best of luck. Hope you’re ok?

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Hoping you’re OK Mate. I’ve been through it myself. Keep your chin up. :nerd_face:


Sorry to hear that mate.

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Never a fun time - hope you’re okay mate, and that it’s not turning nasty.


Saw the sun this morning leaving work. Gave me a real boost! :sunny: :partying_face:


We are having some glorious weather for the last few days.

The steamy heat is all gone and the biting chill is still (I hope) days away, the light is neither dazzling nor depressing, there’s a breeze but not that roughish one that manhandles your hairs.

Wasn’t there a thread on weather :thinking:


My comment was about the clocks going to ‘normal’ time, that soo many want to get ride of. Just get up earlier in the morning you fools. :smiley:

I think I’m morphing into Walter Mitty.

50 years old in less than 6 months and I’ve just started skateboarding.

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The mornings don’t bother me - it’s the early darkness in the evenings. Been dark since 430 here - now gotta drag the dog out and he’s fucking scared of the dark!

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I go to bed at midday and the suns still shining. That morning spark is just what the doctor ordered.

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I’m on the train to work and I still feel shit after Sunday.

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I haven’t been able to bring myself to watch any of the game. I’m trying to pretend it didn’t happen.


Whats happening?

Ran away to Glencoe and got married!

Nobody knew, so it was just my girlfriend (now wife) and I,
a celebrant and 2 photographers who were also our witness!

had a great day, and have some cracking photos too!



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That’s brilliant news mate, many congratulations!

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