What's happening?

Strictly speaking theres no size limit on it. There’s 5 oak trees and 3 horse chestnuts in the above picture. A Mountain pine and a spruce too. Potentially big trees. Leaf size is usually one deciding factor on whether it’s possible or not. But then again not many would try a redwood either.

Good luck. Late winter is probably your best time for Yamadori (taking a wild tree).

I’m only learning having played round with some poor efforts in the past but I’ve properly stepped it up this last 8months. It’s not a fast paced hobby but timing is critical.

Earlier than usual round of golf in the morning, then the rest of the day watching the coronation.

God save the King

I am watching the Coronation. I can say I am watching history in the making, in my lifetime.

King Charles III looks quite emotional :face_holding_back_tears:


Isn’t everything history in the making? :thinking:

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I have never seen a coronation before, all my life, I have only known the late Queen Elizabeth II. This is new for me.

You live in London, is it near you, perhaps you can pop out to get a glimpse … :sunglasses:

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Fuck that.

a) It’s pissing down
b) I’m not that interested

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I made a coronation lunch as well, coronation salmon, potatoes and chips in the airfryer.
Topped up with coronation strawberry mousse. All homemade.


What are you drinking?

I am staying off the booze. I am going to have a raspberry spritzer, making it myself, with carbonated water

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potatoes and chips…?



Carb overload there, Maria!


:woman_facepalming:t4: I am going to make potato chips in the fryer.

What is it with us British, we love our breads, potatoes and chips, anyway we can.

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Chip butties!


I love chip butties. I had bacon butties twice in my life and it was nice :see_no_evil:, don’t tell! :slightly_smiling_face:

The only things I took back from my resent holiday in England was a massive lump of Cheddar Cheese, Bacon and Branston pickle. Had bacon butties and cheese sandwitches for a week. :yum:

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Buy a Vienna loaf… Cut it in half, take out the centre of one of the pieces… fill the inside with chips, and spend the next ten minutes in the closest place to paradise as you eat it… preferably with a builders mug of tea… Did that every lunchtime for years when I was at school :0)


I am going to try that. Thanks for the tip.

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I was at a place recently that had changed their lunchtime menu from Ploughmans Lunch - to - Ploughpersons Lunch… :man_shrugging: