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Mrs C-L “OK Mr C-L, can we try something other than You’ll Never Walk Alone? I think I’ve mastered that phrase now”


I am struggling to settle here in the US. Nothing I won’t be able to work through, hopefully. I just miss home, friends, family, walking, etc.
When I got home from work today, my missus had prepared 12 sausage rolls and 10 cheese and bean bakes à la Gregg’s, and she’d sourced a 24 pack of Thatcher’s.
I know it’s not haute cuisine, but for a girl who once added a pint of boiling water to a plate of nachos “to help the cheese melt”, she did well.
Funny, I’ve not lived in Wales for 10+ years, and I only visited once in the last six years, but now I’m a twelve hour plus flight(s) away, rather than an hour and a half, Swansea seems like a veritable paradise.


For reasons, I cycled past a tanning shop this morning at 8:55. For those who don’t live here, today is forecast to be glorious. 30 degrees not a cloud in the sky. The weather currently is stunning.

There were 6 people queuing to get in.

You absolute fucking morons.

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Could be worse, you could be in LA or New Orleans.

Is it called ‘Tannerife’ or ‘The Colour O’You’?

Yay, finally after what feels like an eon I managed to get a surf session in on the paddle board. It’s been a really flat May / June so far, really flat. Seems like the incoming change in the weather finally brought some swell.

1.5 foot was forecast. If that was 1.5 feet today then I’m 15 foot tall. Great fun, even if I’m utterly useless at it.

Little’un had a great time body boarding in the shallows too. His wave count shamed mine. Great to watch little ones being launched towards the beach, grinning ear to ear.


Chester Cathedral:


We were there in December when it was full of xmas trees. Very nice.


a week away from taking a summer holiday “locally” for the first time in nearly two decades. loading up the car, hooking up our little fishing boat and visiting family and friends for 9 days.

spent the last two weeks ripping apart the transom after determining that the wood reinforcing had disintegrated. now completely rebuilt and reinforced. am in process of creating a battery compartment to power the depth finder I’ll be installing in future.

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Today in the World Powerlifing Championships it’s the men’s 93kg and the women’s 76kg division. Me watching and trying to figure out which ones could outlift me. All of them. The answer is all of them

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Father’s Day project for my Dad, sister and I. Planned over last visit, spent a month sourcing materials. Today, we built this post-and-beam awning. Tomorrow we’ll finish laying a patio after a round of golf


From Jnr, Disney fans will get the reference. In bits here:


It’s ok, you’re not alone. Despite being better than I was I still consider myself in the pathetic category for some movements.

Minor success in the tree / bonsai journey today.

This cheeky sycamore decided to root itself under a bench and in between my garage wall and the slab running up to it. It has to come out. So rather than pull it and kill it I’ve taken the top half and will see if I can recover the rest next winter / spring.

Used a technique called air layering to develop new roots midway on any branch / trunk. It worked and was able to pot it today.

Sycamore is not a brilliant choice for bonsai but it grows like nuts so something will develop quickly.


I thought the TAN site was going into shutdown for some hours today, we are still here :thinking:

How is everyone? I am feeling soo hot and lethargic.

I feel you. I’d lived in New York in my younger college days. But after being back in England in my late 20s and then moving to Dallas during the pandemic…I quickly became heavily homesick. At one point I was watching live feeds from outward facing cameras on London buses. I knew I had to get out then.

So happy to be back for good.

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10pm tonight Maria

okay, I thought it was this morning, silly me :woman_facepalming:t2:

No footie is doing my head in. :exploding_head: :persevere:
At least Wimbledon is starting in a few weeks.


Me too…been meaning to go to the gym…two hours ago :smile:

Ended up watching Glasto on the Beeb.

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Alcaraz got to the Queens final. Boy has some forehand on him :fire::boom: