that’s 0.9kg for the non loony bin contingent. Worth noting I can put on 4kgs over the course of the day. Frustrating as hell.
2lb down for me, went to nets last night for 2 hours with 30 mins fitness work. Almost killed me but not quite.
Today I get 5 points for the daily report, but that’s it.
Lost 4lb so far. Cut out bread and wheat completely, 2 meals a day, one reasonably substantial and one salad with some cooked meat. Of for a run after work and a really hard day’s graft in the sun tomorrow. Should be good news on the scales Monday morning. If I didn’t drink I’d be a twig.
I think I pulled the upper hamstring on the right leg.
Was feeling off when I was doing the prerun stretches and was definite discomfort when I began running
I think I pulled the upper hamstring on the right leg.
That sounds ominously familiar. That’s how my hip problem started. I’m really struggling with it today. Rolling round on the floor replacing a broken front spring on the car has done it in again.
Anyway,nothing to report today. Still 13st 2lbs which is down 2lbs (nearly a kilo) overall.
I’m getting super pissed off with it now. I want to get out kiting, biking, running, SUPing and I’m being restricted by it. Losing my Summer
I’ll see how it works out tomorrow… Might be due to a late heavy lunch outing with cousins.
Ideally shouldn’t have tried for a run but the sun was out and didn’t want to waste the time.
A day twatting front suspension parts counts as exercise mate, I lost a stone doing the rear wheel bearings on my wife’s car one night! Wasn’t a Metro either.
Happy days. Not a job in a hurry to do again! Far more awkward job than predicted thanks to 20 odd years of grime. The lump hammer had to come out at one point.
Baby Thor
XC90 rear wheel bearing tool kit. WD40, 19mm socket and huge bar, really big hammer.
Worse job I’ve ever do e is a clutch change on a VW T4. Stupid heavy work.
I remember helping my dad to do the clutch on a Sierra (he taught me that every day’s a school day) and there was a moment, it’s on axle stands) where he said, just support this for a few seconds whilst I take the final bolt out.
I’ll modify the spreadsheet over tomorrow if it’s okay to do a basic height cum weight calorie burn for 5 to 6 activites…
Today I wore the new runglide shoes by Puma(these are my new marathon shoes)… Have to say they have got the stability factor really spot on… Despite the rather unfortunate hamstring issue
Hamstring felt fine today. 1.5hr run for 15km , just easing into my shoes
Lovely stuff, well done you
Made my usual diet snack this-morning. Crustless quiche as we’d call it here but also a Spanish fritata.
Combine all the veg you’d like. Onions, peppers and spring onions work well. Stir fry for a few minutes then set aside. Fry some bacon or ham or other till cooked / nicely browned. Combine with the veg. Beat 8-10 eggs with a lot of salt and pepper (add cheese to taste)then combine the lot and bake in a suitable flan case for 30 mins ish @180c That’s then the snack you can have instead of going for toast/sandwiches etc.
Hate to ask but how many people is this for ?
Looks to me like a meal for 1.
But then again, I’m a fat bastard, so would probably eat it all my self anyway
Just for me to munch on through the day instead of making a sandwich. Cutting bread out for 20.