ADRIÁN San Miguel del Castillo: 2020/21

Clemence is the one that all other incumbents are measured against.! :0))
I am probably very biased against him, and always will be, because of his mistakes in the CL against AM… Can’t forgive him Flobs…!!
Will be disappointed if he is still at Anfield next season though


Can’t imagine not having a shite back up goalie.


Ray and Bruce, Ray was great however Bruce was loveable.
However in this case it’s irrelevant as our incumbant goalie is Allisson who stands up well against both these.

That’s understandable. Yet again it’s irrelevant to our discussion.

I would be shocked if he’s still here for next season. It appears to me that Kewin is preferred and the club can surely scape the barrel once again for a 3rd choice goalie, no?
We do need our scrapegoats, showboaters or not.


Yo Flobs…
My feeling is that his mistakes in the CL game, lost us more than just the tie.
Our mentality monsters attitude took a huge knock after that…
The confidence the Liverpool defenders should have in their own goalkeeper to bail them out, dissipated that night for any future game he is called upon to play in… Think back to the Villa 7-2 loss… He went missing more times than my cat does after I let it out the house of a night
He is and was always pencilled in as a bit part player… he sometimes forgets this every time he goes against the basics and messes about as though he was playing in the playground…
He has never had the opportunity to build upon a winning mentality in his playing career, and he is too old to attempt to start learning it now… Jurgen has put too much hard work in to his project to let this guy be entrusted with its outcome…
I am all for having a jester in the pack… but surely that irrational behaviour should stop when he steps onto the pitch…!


I think if all it takes to crush the mentality monsters is a second choice keeper fucking up, then ‘mentality monsters’ is not an accurate description.


The post states the Mentality Monsters attitude “took a huge knock” that night…
never mentioned ‘Crush’… anywhere at all.!
There have been other ‘huge knocks’ along the way also… Injuries, poor decisions, players played out of position etc etc…
All of these impacts, along with losses in particular games have certainly had an effect on exposing the softer underbelly we have shown while having a decimated squad to choose from…
Adrian, has been a necessary evil since the CL game…


What has any of that got to do with showboating, if anything it all points to me being correct that he is instictively stupid. Just admit it your wrong about showboatings! :wink:

EDIT: I get it you don’t like him but to miss characterise him goes beyond that. I believe you need some oddballs in a squad, though I’m sure Klopp would disagree with me, I feel they allow the squad to decontract even if they don’t take them seriously as a player. Anyway calm down we’re stuck with him at least till the end of the season whether you like him or not. Still i think he’s a great lovely character and 100% behind LFC. We didn’t hear a wimper from him when he got dropped for Kewin and indeed posted support for all LFC.


Not really sure how playing fucking keepy uppy in the middle of a match for no reason can be considered anything but the definition of showboating! Bizarre argument. It was a cocky, overconfident, stupid thing to do that was mocking the opposition needlessly because we were winning. But he’s no better than that opposition, shouldn’t be taking such chances and it was distasteful to them. The only time a player should be doing keepy uppys in a match is when they are juggling a ball past a player, and only the very best players should be trying it.


Ok Flobs we will agree to disagree…
The meaning of Showboating covers a wide scope… the descriptions given above were/are good enough to fit into a descriptive explanation of it…!
So if you rest your case, I will be resting mine! :wink:


Yes, I need a rest and I think we have both made our points the conclusion is.

  1. We both think Adrian isn’t good enough.
  2. I love his character, you hate it.
  3. We could go on forever but it wouldn’t benefit either of us.
  4. We both need a rest and then move on to something just as important!

To be fair to him. His save against Napoli was the best save I’ve ever seen.


That was a great save. His jump was instinctive, but then he was agile enough to stretch his hand according to the trajectory of the ball.:clap::muscle:

He will get injured if he tries that now. :blush::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Still not as good as the Alisson one that kept us in the CL.

He looks slow in that as well.


Going to his left is imo his biggest problem yet so few pick it up. His distractors go on and on about this and that and funnily don’t see this weakness even when prompted. Wierd lot!

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Adrian will not continue at Liverpool after this season. The Spaniard wants to retire at Real Betis. [Fichajes]


Betis are already bringing Rui Silva from Granada on a free next summer.

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Backup there maybe? Surely he wouldn’t be good enough to start

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Maybe, yeah. I’m just saying what I heard Betis are doing for next season. This guy is Granada’s no. 1 and recently got called up to the Portugal squad. I’m sure Adrian will find a place for himself.


Betis will probably be in Europa League next season. So having two senior keeper makes sense. Though Adrian will probably feature in CDR games.

I really wish people wouldn’t use uncommon initials. Not everyone will know that you mean Compact Disc Recordable.