Andre Trindade (DM) Fluminense

Well perhaps the summer our Winter.

Wouldn’t surprise me if we were waiting to see and if we really want him an announcement is made after the window.

A bit to like about this guy, we wont get him now, that is almost certain,. but sewing him up for January makes a bit of sense.

Fluminense President Mário Bittencourt on Liverpool’s interest in André:

“The Executive Director of Liverpool contacted me directly. And I replied to him: 'My friend, I don’t sell a player now and I don’t deliver now. If you want to buy now to take in January, we can start talking, or if you want to wait until December and we talk about December.”


Do we still see this happening?I’m not so sure.

Hard to say. When Thiago goes we need a replacement. I know he’s not the same type, but we probably need one more to add to the numbers of the group. Maybe Andre Trindade is that man, especially if the price is reasonable.

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Maybe.If the 5 senior players blend well and Elliott and Bajcetic improve as expected there should be another spot available but would like to think we consider the younger lads coming through as well,Clark,McConnell etc.

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If we really were that keen on him, and there’s a relatively low release clause, then I would expect so.

Thiago will be leaving. Would we let Endo and Bajcetic block us from signing him? I’d be surprised if so.


One of those deals that basically happens on the 1st day of the next window opening or we never hear about him again.


I think this is a case of “we bought his replacement a year early”


So, 6 young players plus 1 veteran for 3 positions. It’s difficult to see after Thiago leaves us doing any more work in the area without a 1 in - 1 out scenario. That doesnt rule out us signing him, but I think it would likely have to be as a replacement for one of those 7 players than for Thiago for it to make sense.


IMO if we have a ‚successful season’ and Thiago doesn’t play a very significant role there won’t be external replacement for him. Think Bobby Clark / Tyler Morton will be promoted in that case.

But for that scenario all our new signings will have to work out and Curtis, Harvey and Stefan would have to continue with their progress in the coming months.

Trindade? Have the feeling we already moved away from him.

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Jury’s still out on Bajcetic, we haven’t seen him since his injury so it’s hard to gauge where he is in his development.

That is fair about him specifically, but those sorts of question marks are already covered by having 7 players for 3 spots.

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Yeah, Endo probably put paid to Trindade’s chances.

Trindade just turned 22. He’s not on the same timeline as Endo. There’s absolutely no problem with adding more depth to that position, even with Bajcetic in the wings.

I’m still in favor of adding him for a reasonable price.


I would think more Gravenberchs arrival impacted our interest in Trindade


Agree,there is 8 years between them,Trindade looks to be a very useful player and could well blossom further under Klopp.
If the price stays reasonable can’t see why not!

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Not sure that’s true. Klopp certainly seems keen to keep him in the squad, not off somewhere on loan. So he must be convinced.

I meant that he’s not proven as a first team player. No doubting his potential.

If we sign Andre in January, he will be coming after a lengthy season (May-Dec) in South America and then will be expected to play for another five months for us. All that without a preseason to help him bed-in with the squad.

if think signing endo is the endo of this lads chances of signing for us.