Arne Slot - Head Coach

No point talking about tactics if you’re losing your duels :fist_right::fist_left:


Yes, very encouraging to hear his post match thoughts, and also to see that he was not scared to make a perhaps unusual tactical switch at half time. Quansah was arguably our best player in the first half, Ibou came on and was at his imposing best.

It was fascinating to watch the tactics. The first half was kind of boring, with a lot of short passes and us having difficulty breaking the press. However, in the second half, you could see it start to work. We began breaking the lines, and suddenly we were running down the pitch with odd-man rushes. It was also interesting to see that the players have been instructed to keep the ball on the carpet.

Quite different than Klopp.

First half it looked almost like a Klopp side playing against a team promoted from the championship playing possession football struggling to adapt to the quality of the defensive pressure and organization of the prem…just the other way around. It was really encouraging to see them turn it around and look so commanding in the second half.

Quite risky his approach. Calling out individuals for not performing. Although I do like how he is direct !


Didn’t know this, so his family aren’t coming (yet) or what? You would’ve guessed that with the house the club purchased aimed at being the one for whoever our head coach is, the process would’ve been very easy and they could settle quickly.

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Don’t really see it like that. He took Quansah off, which was a statement in itself. Not something that any of us would have done or predicted.

Early days, and not much to go on, but a couple of things are clear. Slot is not Klopp 2. He is much more serious, and very focused on success. He’s constantly demanding more, and is less likely to praise players who are under performing.
He’s less accepting of mistakes and expects more from his players. This approach can work, but can also lead to resentment if players feel they are being unfairly treated.
Some will thrive, but others will struggle in this environment.
We can already see that when it works, his style will be easy on the eye. It looks like it will suit all our midfield players and the front three who started today. It also looks like it suits Trent, which is important.

I’m not sure about this, but it looked like he didn’t acknowledge the travelling support. He doesn’t need to do the first pumping, but a wave or thumbs up would be good. Liverpool fans appreciate those kind of gestures.
Sorry if I’m wrong about that.


Isn’t he moving in to the same Rodgers/Klopp House?

Yes, that’s the one I’m talking about.

Maybe Mrs Slot doesn’t like the curtains.

He talks about it in the Dutch video I posted a while ago. How strange it is to live alone again. When the reporter asked if his family stayed in Holland, he replied that they were still on holiday. But I saw a post from his daughter from Ipswich. Apparently they arrived yesterday.


No one is safe from the wrath of the Arne!!!

Went down a Nate rabbit hole a few months ago. I love him. Just his demeanor, it’s actually comforting.

“There’s a little kicking.”

Fucking genius.

I don’t mind it.

They’re adults and I’m certain he is making such moves in the context of proper feedabck to the player.

Bring it on.


The substitution at half time will always be harsh to any player especially if it’s not due to injuries. However the crux is how the coaches handle that afterwards with the player. And it’s also up to the coach to show his consistency , for example if some star players is shit but do not get pulled off consistently. And it’s up to the player to respond too. This is high level. Being nice is not mutually exclusive with making hard and painful decisions for the team.

Something that should be addressed. Probably forgot about it in the moment. A gentle reminder from the club should work. From all accounts, he was great with the fans at Feyernoord. He doesn’t need to go full Klopp with the fist pumps etc but just going to the away section and acknowledging the support would go a long way in getting the crowd on his side.


I think he has at least one secondary school age child so it is possible that his wife is staying until they finish.

His family actually live in Zwolle rather than Rotterdam so he hasn’t had them in tow with Feyenoord. The extra travelling time to Liverpool isn’t that much. Maybe an hour, assuming he isn’t just relying on Easyjet.

We had a similar arrangement when moving to Germany. I stayed in Scotland with my eldest son until he had finished school. I was actually the following spouse (it is more commonly the wife).


Rotterdam to Zwolle is quite a bit different to Liverpool to Zwolle, really.

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Thing is he’s only actually been here for a few weeks as he spent 3 in the USA might have kept the proper move to when he got over here.

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Well, exactly, he’s already spent longer in Liverpool than ol’John Henry, the steel driving man.