Arne Slot - Head Coach

When you get to my age a whole morning looking for your keys is the norm. No need to make it worse :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Notable places we have (eventually lol) found my wife’s keys include:

  • under the mattress of the baby’s moses basket
  • inside a shoe inside our shoe cubby
  • the fridge

I honestly don’t know how she does it. To resolve the problem, one time I bought her a little fob thingy that would emit a noise when you clapped nearby. It worked well… until she lost it :man_facepalming:


We have small a book case close to the front door where I’d normally just throw my keys when I came in, but she thought it looked messy so would move them. But couldnt figure out where was the right choice so was experimenting with lots of different places so I’d never knew where they were when I couldnt find them where I had put them. So I bought an ornamental box to put on the book case, where it had previously made sense for me to put my keys, so I could put the keys inside the box. Nice and tidy. But she started moving the box around as well.

Me: Where are my fucking keys?
Her: they are in the box
Me: Where is the fucking box?


I’m no spring chicken myself, but I do enjoy an evening gummy. Never been a good sleeper, but those gummies sure do help.

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Over 20 posts in the Arne Slot thread, with nothing about the manager.

Like most threads sadly.
Unreliable rumours has morphed into who would you buy.

Slot gives way to the addictions thread.


Shit, better post something about Arne: he’s bald.

Oh, and he doesn’t take any shit from anyone, on the pitch or off it.

So he’s already a top bloke in my book.


I watched the Brentford press conference and I got the impression he is very Dutch - in that he is very direct and honest but possibly a bit naïve. He mentioned that he does not get nervous which, immediately made me wonder what the balance was between truth and bravado in that statement? It feels like these sorts of statement can come back to haunt you sometimes.

Anyway, he is yet to enter the pressure cooker as such so I think we’re in for an interesting watch - on and off the pitch.

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Things will definitely step up a gear over the next week, as it’s Man U next. It’ll be interesting to see if his unflappable demeanour continues as the questions become more inane and repetitive.


You mean to say James Pearce hasn’t even started with them yet?


I wonder whst Arne Slot’s favourite food is? I bet he cooks a mean Korma.


I give up…



Haha @PeachesEnRegalia

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I like what he has to say.

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Interesting interview. Also interesting that closed captions struggle with a Dutch accent as much as they do with Scouse.


The analysis of the century. He has no idea if Salah (season has barely started) is playing well because of the coffee bar.
If I was a journalist I would mention the bar, of course, but maybe not try to categorically state it as the reason for an individual playing well when I have absolutely no empirical evidence, and worse, barely any indisium but the player seemingly enjoying drinking coffee there.


Yeah, 95 percent of posts here have been like reading a May 2023 nr of Hello! (or similar magazine) while waiting at the dentist.
The vague celebrity rumours with speculative takes and the odd interview with someone who used to know a famous person back at High School.

It is what it is. But I suspect this thread is going to get significantly better as the season progresses and we (and English JOURNALISTS) get to actually know Arne Slot. So far, only Dutch reports are half-interesting to read. But give it some time, we are still in hollyday Silly Season Mode :slight_smile:


Oh thank you! That’s exactly the style I was aiming for. Are you ready for your root canal treatment now sir?
Marvellous stuff!


If you want them in for breakfast it’s a small price to pay