You would do better if you underlined the part where I said it is not a hill I want to die on. If you want to be obnoxious about this, then I am out of here. I have been polite and written in a very normal way but you are reacting with passive aggression for no reason at all, there have been no sort of stab from my side and I am not out for a fight. And yes, it was pretty clear if you read the sentence. No need for that kind of stupid sarcastic reply.
Have a nice day, I am out of here.
You have come on an LFC forum casting a vote in favour of an obnoxious enemy of the people of Liverpool… The pathetic thing is you answered your own response within the lines of a your very poor subject matter… Was purely for notoriety…!!
Think after nailing your colours to mast of that rag you have probably made the correct decision to ‘Skulk’ out of here off this forum… Good Riddance…!!
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Simmer down guys, or we’ll have to start breaking out Mascot’s red pen… and nobody wants that!
Top notch virtue signalling.
I agree with Magnus, I don’t see why the word would be censored, that seems to be giving the paper more power than it deserves.
Linking to the rag is an absolute no-no, and I’ve done my fair share of shaming others on TIA when it comes to that, but let’s not pretend that using the word is an affront to Hillsborough families or something similar. Ridiculous argument.
I agree, don’t ban the word. When referencing the rag the S*n has been the accepted way of referring to it, for years. Agree with @ILLOK
It doesn’t really matter though whether it’s a U or an asterisk. It’s the message that counts.
You’ll find plenty of ‘Don’t buy the…’ posters, flags and stickers with the full word written on them.
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The s0n is our star. Our source of energy and warmth and the reason that our planet formed and orbits generating seasons thanks to axial shift… The s@n is a shit rag that burned their bridges long ago for reasons with which we are all familiar. Not entirely sure what the argument or agenda could possibly be. S0n great, s@n shithouse. Simple.
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Ridiculous to ban the word, when referring to the star that keeps the human race alive. What’s happened to common sense?
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Past experience on TIA tells us that every 4-8 months or so, there is typically a new member who posts an article from the S*n.
That member will get called out for not knowing the club’s history, its implications etc etc. Sometimes its done in a civil manner, more frequently not. Over the years I have deleted pages upon pages of posts about it, typically from a simple mistake (made worse if that said poster does not hold up their hands) . As mods we had to be extra careful given the legal proceedings and Hillsborough.
It was extremely rare we ever talk about our solar system, but for me as a mod it makes people think. Its stops a repetitive task of a topic that causes the deletion of numerous posts, the calming a situation, and the breaking out of the red pen. It limits occasions people getting angry and frustrated. It limits new members hounded out for doing something a bit dumb or not being aware of the implications.
I check the BBC’s transfer page most nights after 11 as that’s when they launch the next day’s page. I have (mea culpa) once posted a s@n story here from the BBC due to just not checking. An easy mistake to make and most unintentional.
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I personally would not like the job of the mods to pre-empt topics on here and prophetically douse the flames before any spark has even been struck. It is certainly a minefield.
Every comment that is posted here is open to a differing interpretation by the many, certainly when we come from differing backgrounds right across the globe. A sort of it ‘takes all sorts’ to bring diversity, humour and a thought provoking discussion…
It is also the ingredients that makes for a good forum.
Good manners cost nothing, neither does it cost anything to prevent a topic to deteriorate and slide down the ‘slippery pole’ of no return…
It just needs a strength of feeling by one party to be put it on hold and move on…
However, whilst some replies justify a reactive instinct to air a conflicting point of view… maybe a simple flame suppressing pro-active response could be introduced by the mods, via a simple ‘thumbs-down’ emoji inserted at the base of the page (a likes and dislikes option)…
This facility would at least offer the original poster a gauge of the mood towards their post from other members. A sort of alternate option to cast a vote of feeling, without having to engage at all upon a subject that is raw to some…
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Excuse me, what is wrong with you ?
I have not said or even theoretically implied, anything positive towards I paper I clearly called a rag (a rag is not a positive metaphor), nor have I said that I think one should post their articles here, nor implied it. You are making it all up and huffing and puffing in aggression for absolutely no reason. Your hostility is completely unfounded and is something you have constructed yourself.
You know what I love about TAN?? The emojis…there are so many available now.
Also, did you know that in South Korea they use barber poles outside massage parlours?? (and barbers of course) One pole means massage…two poles means massage with extras.
True story.
If I’m getting a massage I only want there to be one pole in the room.
The poles are outside but you may want to think about an Estonian.
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I went into one once (the version) and after being walked into the room by the receptionist some old bloke came in whilst I was half way through undressing and started directing me to do something. My pigeon-Korean was woefully inadequate to deal with it, so for a few minutes I thought it was going to be him.
Turns out he was the owner and just wanted his money.
Très awkward.
How did you get over your disappointment?
Went straight home for a pot noodle.
Guys, as the person who started the post, I just wanted to understand that it was indeed so banned as I found it bemusing at that point because I was just using that word in a natural context.
There are members who are in support of the ban, there are members who do not. But I think its important to see that EVERYONE of them are disgusted with the offensive rag so lets not rage at each other for something that is not true.
To ban or not to ban that word in the forum, its just a technicality and the mods have the right to decide that and I believe our lives can go on and we can still have a great discussion forum…so maybe we can move on? Lock the post?