Billionaire Baloney

I don’t know what the hell you are talking about. Most people are fully aware he was responding to Swift endorsing Harris. The tweet is Musk’s own words which says he will “give her a child”.

Do we honestly need to give a full recap of the relationship between Taylor Swift and the far-right? It’s extremely well known and covered through many media sources. You say “half a story” but so far have no given any suggestion as to what you think the other half is.

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I dunno, maybe the burden is on our lad Elon to explain why he now wants to impregnate her?


But he didn’t say he wanted to impregnate her, if he did please quote him. He also stated that he would look after her cats, maybe he is not all that bad.

It appears that we are going round in circles (that is aimed at both of us) so, I will move on from this topic. :+1:t2:

I am not sure what other possible interpretation there is to ‘give you a child’.

Having met the cunt before he was anyone, one of the regrets I will take to the grave is not having given him the beating he has so long deserved. Unlike Zuckerberg, I would have needed no training. The irony being that the lovely young woman who served as the better angel of my nature in the moment now regrets her actions that evening far more than I do.

tldr - he has been a cunt for at least 3 decades


I agree that he is a cunt and I am definitely not trying to tell anyone else different.

not really satisfied with the way this was resolved to be honest

just calling the guy a cunt is just a bit to open to interpretation…

is he a massive cunt?, just a bit of a cunt?, a dumb cunt?, strange cunt?, funny cunt?..weird cunt?..

needs to be a bit more nuanced… theres plenty of range


Shitehawk, bin fire, racid trash.

You can have them all.


How the fuck else does a man give a woman a child?

I am quite sure he was not implying he was going to hand over guardianship of one of his kids via a legal process.


aha…but you don’t know that.

Elon Musk is cleverererr than you as he ties your tiny mind up in his superior intellect!

hes rich you know…very rich…


I feel theres a movie in this


And theres a surprise

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An embarrassingly pathetic climb down that is predictable in both that it is happening (given how transparently bullshit the position was in the first place) and the lack of mea culpa it comes with


I’m hoping that regardless the exodus from that Xesspit is permanent.

Says he replying to a post linking to that platform.

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I saw this photo and didn’t realise who it was!!!

Holy Shit. That bloke is fucking cooked.



Trump looking like he wishes a bullet would whizz past his ear again.

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I was about to say he is more weird than cooked, but then wondered if saying he’s weird would get me banned?

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