Breaking News Thread

not in that neighborhood. this is the location…surrounded by hay fields which they harvest to feed the cattle you can see in satellite pics, the huge piles of white hay bales that look like marshmallows to the east of the main buildings and the “effluent ponds” below them where the manure is likely composted before being spread on the hay fields.

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The reporting by Bellingcat on the intelligence leak has been absolutely amazing, as you might piece together from this tweet

Apparently he is a great guy as he loves God and shooting guns according to his gaming pal. Sometimes I just despair :weary:

How the hell does a 21year old squaddie get access to stuff like this. Is it just left lying around in the mess?



I despair at mankind all the time.


“Is it just left lying around in the mess?”

Ask the Donald :eyes: :eyes:

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On the recommendation of his father judging from what the reports are saying.

Some of the original reports seemed to indicate that the documents were altered, which seems odd if its just some kid sharing it with his Minecraft pals. It does seem to be radically different in scope and motivation to Chelsea Manning, for example.

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Attorney General Merrick B. Garland said he was arrested in connection with the “unauthorized removal, retention and transmission of classified national defense information,” a reference to the Espionage Act which is used to prosecute the mishandling and theft of sensitive intelligence.

That’s exactly what they are looking at charging Trump with.* :pray:

  • As well as obstruction.
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Wasn’t it a case of the Russian government and/or its agents getting hold of the originals and doctoring them to make themselves look less incompetent?


Greatest country in the world - a prisoner in jail waiting for his trial for a misdemeonor dies due to the unsanitary condition of the jail


Before the kid’s identity was known, the story appeared to focus on two elements. 1) the sharing was less a malicious act and more a way for a lost young man to present himself as powerful and meaningful to his online gamer mates, and 2) the material had been circulating on line in these channels for long enough that the Russians found them and altered them for their benefit then accelerate the spreading of these new versions.

With the personality profile that’s now come out about who the original leaker is, it’s difficult to reconcile this with the narrative above. This kid is a mini Tim McVeigh, with anti-government grievances going back to issuse decades before his birth, the stuff that is sucked straight out of the Anti-government right’s playbook.


Tim Scott, citing the Pledge of Alliegance, officially launches his presidential bid from Fort Sumter, the site of the outbreak of the Civil War and protected by the South as a marker of the values the Confederacy came to fight for.

Weren’t the confederates mainly democrats ?

Yes. It also has no relevance what so ever

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So why are you mentioning the south and the values of the confederacy?

Because he is launching his campaign for president, while spouting American values, in the spiritual home of the confederacy.

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Yes but we know you are doing it because he is a republican…the fact that the majority of the the confederates were democrats in the spiritual home of the democrats is almost misleading

You’re focusing on the name and completely ignoring the last couple of centuries of political developments…

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These are textbook online right wing non sequiturs. Why are the political dynamics of a time near 200 years ago relevant to this?

The issue is that anyone would spout pro-American ideals, while claiming to be for America, while making a choice to launch a campaign from that location. His party affiliation is only relevent to the degree that it is of course the GOP candidates who would do this, because they are now the party that panders to the pro confederacy crowd.



They’ve gone backwards in that time.
Bet there are more innocent school children murdered in America now than 200 years ago.