Breaking News Thread

Prince Harry’s book spare? :joy:

Some scripts and/or manuscripts, local religious indoctrination pamphlets … ?

They are about to invade:

I like the weather lady …


Confused The Point GIF by Travis

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Ah another one from the where and what to post police …

It is really time that the footy starts again …

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I worked there during the recent conflict with Armenia.
Horrible news footage played constantly on their local channel, showing graphic examples of successful strikes on Armenian troops.
10% was deducted from our salaries one month, without asking, for the “glorious war effort”.

Brainwashed nation, many of whom genuinely believe they live in a democratic society :crazy_face:

Were you working for a local firm? Are you in the O&G industry?

Yes, and yes.

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My hometown.


I was at a concert of traditional Turkish music last night, followed by a meal in an Ethiopian restaurant. We were basking in the marvels of multiculturalism in Berlin.
Sadly, the event above will be used by hate mongers to stir racial hatred, while our beautiful evening will not be reported.


Oh jeez not another one after Schofield :man_facepalming:t2:

Didn’t Gary Lineker once did a presentation in his underwear … Just saying … :innocent::sunglasses:

Is 17 really a “child” in the context of sex in the UK?

Has to be 18 I believe

I am absolutely not googling “age of consent” but if that is true, when did that change?

I don’t know who he is, where he is, or how he is, but…a 17yr old girl, supposedly on drugs…(this has to be confirmed)…accepting money from a well known tv personality, dressed in his under kegs(these are only details taken from a news report)…was he easy prey for blackmail…who knows, it’ll all come out in the wash…he’ll be sacked and she will probably sell her story and make loads of money…the saga continues!!!

Age of consent is 16 but 18 for paid sexual services. I think there is some defence that they believed that the child was over 18.

Of course, The S*n famously paid 16 year olds for sexually explicit pictures that they published in a national newspaper. I’m not sure when the law changed.


I believe it is a 17 year old boy.

I thought this persons mum had said "she(the daughter) had over 3 years turned into a zombie state of life…she/he…the saga continues…