Breaking News Thread

I haven’t read the S*n article (I refuse to). I heard a report on Sky but checking their reports online I may have misheard that. I don’t think they have revealed any details.

The report I heard was on the Beeb yesterday afternoon, so it could all be a figment of fantasy…

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I read somewhere earlier that the age of consent is 16, but when it comes to taking, distributing or pocessing explicit phots, the age is 18 so from the sounds of it, they are using the fact that he had photos of someone under the age of 18 as the basis for the complaint

The Johnson WhatsApp messages have been handed over. Not sure if this is what all the dead cat dropping is about.

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Isn’t that illegal, regardless of age?

Apparently you now have to be 18 to marry.
But in Scotland you can cast a vote aged 16 which may define the future of a whole nation :roll_eyes:

Erdogan tried to move the goal posts yet again by now (lol) linking Sweden’s appectance into NATO with Turkish EU membership (which they in no way or form are even close to qualify for).

But it’s happening now anyway:

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7 years ago people at the opposite end of the age scale where allowed vote on something which affected those same young adults and their future.


But they’re not recognised as adults in the rest of the UK?

Not saying specifically from you, but not getting into a debate which will start off with boomer accusations and snowball into blanket right wingers allegations.

Merely pointed out the inconsistencies in the law.


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Rightly so. Kids have no idea what’s good for them.

Seems those elderly voters,some of who are no longer here,didn’t know either,as the resulting shitshow has been good for no one.


Cut it down and bin it you lazy bastards!

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Well now, not like the S*n to run with questionable stories is it :roll_eyes:

It’s not just inconsistencies over voting. I’ve said for years that the age of consent needs to come into line with the voting/drinking legal age. How can you be allowed to make a monumental decision that could bring a human life into the world at 16, but you can’t buy beer or fags? :nerd_face:


Its also the day after it was widely reported that he had made panicked contact with the victim begging them to shut their mum up. Its impossible to trust the S*n, just as its impossible to trust a high profile male television personality in the middle of an underage sex pics scandal.

Just to remind you also, that the victim is a drug addict that is probably still being paid hush money to feed their addiction. I can’t even trust that they would tell their lawyers the truth.

EDIT: I see from that article that this victim goes by the pronoun ‘they’. Updated my post.


No question he did it, anybody not want a short rope and a long drop?

Whilst I agree with your sentiment about the rag, it seems like there is no smoke without fire.

This is a form displacement of Palestinians who have been in their homes for decades to be stolen from them is disgusting and inhumane, to me this is ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. It is obviously won’t get as much coverage as the Ukraine, unless the place is rich in oil, minerals and precious metals and as long as USA and the West keep silent, it will carry on.