Breaking News Thread

I did ask, the other day, if the person , who we now know as Huw Edwards, was an easy target for blackmail, because of his now revel of depression…

I managed to not get distracted and bring up Boris’ phone in the politics thread, but everyone else was too busy arguing about fruit picking to notice.

I always hear this thing about distractions; why report on x when y is happening in the world. It’s actually possible to talk about more than one thing at once. But the BBC themselves chose to not shut up about the scandal for the two days, managed to report on Boris’ new offspring, but only managed 3 hours ago to bother mentioning anything about his whatsapp, and you have to actually search for that article while the Huw news is still fromt and centre.

The s*n is a shitrag, that’s beyond question. The BBC is far from a shining example of media perfection.


Never suggested it was. Not sure what your point is?

My initial response was to your comment that implied that this case was akin to the time the BBC livestreamed a police raid on Cliff Richard’s house while implying to the entire nation he was a paedophile, when he was actually completely innocent.

The s*n may have (once again) printed a story without the facts being accurate. However in this instance, both Edwards’ conduct and the BBCs reponse and action are all justifiably concerning and worth questioning.

You then, for some reason replied to me going on a completely different tangent that this was a distraction from other things, which led to my reply that I often see the same comment here and elsewhere ‘why talk about x when y is happening?’

The thing with that is that ‘y’ is usually a war or the government screwing us over.
I grew up in the 80s to a background of the Cold War and Thatcher. I’ve never known a point in my life where someone wasn’t ‘at war’ somewhere or the goverment wasn’t trying to shaft us. We’re always talking about ‘y’ but when ‘x’ happens we can temporarily shift our focus to that while also being aware that ‘y’ is still happening.

The sn is shit and always has been and should be ended. That’s a ‘y’ topic because it’s been true for so long and will never change. At the same time ‘x’ is still okay to discuss because even if the sn is shit and Murdoch is anti-BBC, doesn’t mean that we can’t criticise the BBC. Particularly as I never buy the s*n but I do finance the BBC in part, so should be able to criticise it and it’s presenters when I believe they have acted poorly.

I hope this helps.


The s*n needs to go the same way as the NOTW.


How do I give a million likes? :thinking:

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Go play in Saudi, you’ll be able to afford them.

Pity that:

a) I’m crap at football
b) I wouldn’t go there anyway


c) You are way to old and cynical
d) you drink too much



What about for £500m Do your principles have a price? Mine do, happy to admit it.

And mine don’t.

Fortunately, my mortgage is paid and I can afford whatever I need. I don’t need a flash car or a yacht for status purposes; a roof over my head, some nice food and wine and I’m happy.


That might be your opinion however that is not a fact!
Even if I agree with you the law doesn’t not by a long way!

Then give me a greater responsibility? I’ll wait.

Be really responsible and not have kids! :grin:

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The most environmentally unfriendly thing you can do is to have kids.

The one thing that no amount of money can buy… enough


‘…Kurt Vonnegut informs his pal, Joseph Heller, that their host, a hedge fund manager, had made more money in a single day than Heller had earned from his wildly popular novel Catch-22 over its whole history. Heller responds, “Yes, but I have something he will never have … enough.”


Sure, but the Prism of the Cold War, when the world almost stood still and my stephfather worried when he was a child that he might not even wake up, because there might be a new sun; was rather different and excused unholy alliances arguably much more than today. Not that Nixon would likely have a problem with it during any time, but you know what I mean :wink:

I know you’re cynical,i know you’re old and i know you’re a git but no need for companionship,of some form or another ?

Being healthy is another great luxury