Breaking News Thread

If people post things on social media that is illegal, the platforms are obliged to deal with it. If individuals do it repeatedly, they are obliged to deal with them.

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I acknowledge that but a robust society that is well rounded should know better than to fall for lies or things that are illegal. I guess that that it is too idealistic a notion or hope.

It really is idealistic to the point of naivety. Look at how the world is right now. Any sign of people using their common sense to reject outlandish lies?


I believe most people do not.

Most people CANNOT. It’s an important difference, and one of the biggest challenges we have collectively to understanding the implication of this are the people who think they are above it. You hear a bullshit line often enough and sooner than later you start feeling it has a certain level of truth to it even if the first time you heard it you knew it was bullshit.

Last week there was a poll that showed US voters are pretty much split in their opinion of who did better for the US on the issue of infrastructure between Trump and Biden. It was a long running joke in the Trump administration that were putting out plans for “infrastructure week” only to then never do it, and on it went for 4 years. Biden then pushed through 2 generationally important infrastructure laws, largely against Republic opposition. But Republicans are out there taking credit for bills they voted against and even after being fact checked on it it creates enough informational messiness that people feel in their gut “well, it was probably a bit of both.”


I should have qualified it further in that:

  1. Many people do not fall for all outlandish lies - there are some obviously you are going to be more immune to than other
  2. Sometimes (possibly oftentimes) the non-majority but vocal voice will drive the narrative
  3. Initially I wanted to answer in the opposite, as in most people do not fall for snake oil, but we all in the end we all do succumb to a brand that is too seductive to push away
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I think the issue with disinformation is what psychologists call the illusory truth effect. It is not the isolated bullshit story, but the repetition of the theme at the heart of the story with a campaign of related pieces of disinformation. Over time it bring people to a place where the core truth of the narrative is felt to be true even if they can disregard the individual stories.

“You know clinton didnt actually have Seth Rich murdered, right?”
“Yeah, ok. Maybe Seth was just the victim of a random crime, but it’s definitely the sort of thing she’d do.”


I’m always uncomfortable with this line. It hints at laziness and cultish behaviour that should be alien to all humans. There is always a right and wrong and ultimately the individual will see it - whether it influences the decision making is another story.

I think that understates the universality of it. There are things we can do to protect ourselves and so issues where we’re better protected from being led like this, but the world is too big and contains too much information to think that through some sort of intelligence and work ethic we can make sure we’re not affected like this.


Maybe lazy is the wrong term to use here and maybe not. Laziness, in the sense that news sources should be that, plural, and not a singular echo chamber.

I am certainly not better - if anything, worse. I hide behind a keyboard, vote intermittently and avoid the news. I have left the country of my birth and then the one that educated me because I have no loyalty (beyond my immediate family), have followed opportunity and find people and places the same everywhere.

I illude myself into thinking I live beyond the narrative and hide behind the phycological crutch that I cannot influence the time I live in beyond the trade I ply and the children I try to grow up.

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Seems like this is becoming a new boomer doomer:


Good to see these cunts may face consequences:


Kind of amuses me that in this country people dismiss as lies and bemoan things from parties other than their chosen one, yet drink up the lies from their chosen party as gospel.

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Indeed, we each all have a taste for the particular snake oil that sooths our gaze when upon the denizens we lie with.

Or believe none of them for the self serving snakes they are

I read a bit about the deals of this sordid affair, and all I can say is that it’s the least they deserve. In my opinion, they should have been condemned for man traficking.

Of course, their army of lawyers will appeal the sentence and who knows what will come out at the end. I hope that they are at least socially dead in Geneva.

Nah; they’re too rich to be ostracised.

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Not sure. Usually, when you get sentenced at a tribunal, you’re socially dead around here. Geneva isn’t the birth-place of Calvinism for nothing… :wink:

I know that they are rich, but most people will want to avoid being seen with them, especially the ‘bonnes familles’ from Geneva.


sorry i looked up ‘bonnes families’ and im not aware of what you mean?