Breaking News Thread

This is my favourite response from that…


Surprised this hasn’t been called a terrorist act yet.


They haven’t said that anyone has claimed responsibility yet. There have been lots of episodes like this in Germany over the last couple of years and it tends to be attributed to groups sympathetic to Russia. With France, I’m guessing that there is no shortage of nutterage.


Don’t know if this is being discussed elsewhere. Police officer kicks a guy on the floor. Booo!

Police officer kicks a guy on the floor who’s put three female officers in hospital. Give him a fucking medal.

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@Flobs has been decidedly quiet recently.

PS. I’m not saying that he is involved in this, more that he has no shortage of nutterage


When will these sporting organisations learn that Paris and the Paris police don’t have the ability to police sports events without some drama unfolding - time and time again.

How long before riot police are kicking fuck out of innocent fans trying to get to stadium, whilst local hooligans are free to assault and rob those same fans.


The attacks haven’t taken place in the Capital. We’ll see how good the security operation has been in Paris tonight when the ceremony starts


Word of the day


I saw the clip of it. Pretty brutal to be honest.

Whilst outside of Paris, the fact the authorities didn’t pre-empt something and have extra security to protect key infrastructure is pretty poor, whilst appreciating that its hard to cover all bases.

Only one was female , and as of yet , these are only the claims of Greater Manchester Police. Anyone who has had a violent interaction with the police will tell you that their first defence is to claim that they were assaulted first.

Deserved IF he’s just decked several female colleagues.

There are 30,000 km of railway track in France . Tbh a lot of people had anticipated that were any attacks to be made on the Games then they would happen outside of the Capital. It’s going to be interesting to discover who is actually responsible.



Yes having now seen how spread the locations of the sabotages are, very hard to counter that - but still - Paris police suck even if this is outside Paris.

Deserved? Well you could argue that he had it coming, but it’s a shocking lack of control from a supposedly trained police officer.


Judge Dredd in carnate.

He’s in Italy?

Doesn’t matter if true or not, kicking someone who is handcuffed and laying on the ground in the head is the act of an utter cunt.


The job of the police officer is not to mete out justice. His job in that instance is to contain the individual and keep calm.

If he happened on the scene of a colleague being attacked, then action is justified. But no.
He kicked a man on the floor, with his hands behind his back. Unable to defend himself.
Thats the act of a coward. Fuck all heroic about it.

I am not not a bleeding heart liberal on these issues, at times policing requires toughness. Requires force. But kicking that guy on the ground is pure bullying