Breaking News Thread

And there was this a couple of days ago. So yes, perhaps the French police could’ve been a bit more vigilant.


Was he planning to give some athletes the runs… :man_shrugging:

When they don’t know the difference between the FSB and the SVR. It’s the Guardian… Sergey (link) running chefs in Paris too disrupt the Olympics; as if Paris wasn’t a big enough shithole.


Two children dead and 11 treated by paramedics. It’s really quite shocking. The perpetrator appears to be a minor as well.


Watched it on the news, so horrible, my heart and prayers go out to everyone’s affected



What in the actual fuck. I hope they put that 17yo out of his misery, he is a waste of oxygen IMO

Just hearing the devastating news.

My deepest condolences to all the families who have lost their children today in the heinous attack in Southport today. I pray that all the injured pull through. The world has gone mad. Can’t imagine what the families are going through right now.


What is wrong with this fucking world?


This is truly chilling. My thoughts to all families and friends and RIP to the poor kids.

Do we already know why he did that?

MSM reporting the motives are unknown.

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What possible reason could there be?

Mad people do terrible things sometimes and if we want to live in a free society we’ll never prevent them 100%.
At least the UK has gun control. In the States he would have killed dozens.


It actually reminded me of the Dunblane massacre. That is a similar sort of place to Southport: quietly middle class with a few sportsmen and businessmen living in relative luxury. It’s just not the sort of thing that you ever expect to happen.


Do we know anything about the perpetrator yet ?

I thought about Dunblane too when I heard children had been killed. I don’t know what possessed a 17 year to commit this horrible act.

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No, but let’s all wildly speculate and call for the death penalty.

(Not targeted at you)

17 year old male originally from Cardiff. As he is a minor, it is unlikely that they will be named unless a judge deems it to be in the public interest.

They have ruled out a terrorist motivation.

I notice on the BBC ticker that a 3rd girl has died, so it isn’t getting any better.


I was looking for info on the Merseyside police website and noticed that there was an arrest for an attempted murder of an 18 year old transgender woman in Southport. I’m assuming that these cases are unrelated:

Hero Southport dance teachers praised for ‘bravery’ saving kids from hooded knifeman

Leanne Lucas, who is critically injured after saving children in her Taylor Swift dance class from a crazed knifeman, has been described as a hero’ and ‘beautiful young creative’

Three children have been confirmed to have died in the nightmare attack. Nine other children were injured, six of them left in a critical condition. Leanne is believed to be one of the two adults who were also rushed to hospital in a critical condition after she tried to protect the children who were taking part in her Taylor Swift dance class.

It’s thought Leanne and her co-organiser saved 16 children out of the 25 youngsters attending the class.


The police update is here. Just depressing reading: