Breaking News Thread

Grim beyond belief.


In other news , Islamist preacher Anjem Choudray looks like he’s going to be spending the rest of his life in prison.

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Saw a clip of a BBC reporter making a howling error comparing this to the KNIFE attacks at Dunblane.

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Poor girl… 9yrs old - RIP Little One

‘Happy smiley girl’, 9, killed in Southport stabbing named in heartbreaking tributes

Alice Aguiar was among children at a Taylor Swift dance party when a knife attacker struck


Between the horrors of Bangladesh and Gaza, this escaped my attention. I don’t know how to say how I feel. Kids??? Little kids??? Why???



(Left to right) Elsie Dot Stancombe, seven; Bebe King, six; and Alice Dasilva Aguiar, nine

All so shockingly sad :pensive:


Far-right attack police outside Southport mosque after knife killings

Far-right protesters were heard shouting Islamophobic slogans while throwing bricks, plant pots and empty bins at police in Southport. Photograph: Richard McCarthy/PA

Police officers had bricks and glass bottles thrown at them by far-right protesters and a police vehicle was set on fire outside a mosque in Southport following a knife attack that killed three children.

Merseyside Police said an officer suffered a suspected broken nose and police vehicles have been damaged and set alight in the disturbances.

“At around 7.45pm, a large group of people – believed to be supporters of the English Defence League – began to throw items towards a local mosque on St Luke’s Road in Southport,” the force said.

“Officers who are deployed are currently dealing with criminal behaviour and violence with bottles and wheelie bins being thrown at them.”

“Additional patrols are now in attendance, including the dog section” the force said.

In the aftermath of the attack, for which a 17-year-old has been arrested, several false accusations were spread on social media with incorrect names of the attacker.

The online misinformation was earlier condemned by the home secretary Yvette Cooper. The only details released about the suspect by police are that he is a 17-year-old from the village of Banks in Lancashire, who was born in Cardiff.

Assistant chief constable Alex Goss, said: “It is sickening to see this happening within a community that has been devastated by the tragic loss of three young lives …

“Yesterday, our officers and other members of the emergency services were faced with one of the most difficult situations they will ever face. Tonight, they find themselves being attacked as they endeavour to prevent disorder.”

He added: “There has been much speculation and hypothesis around the status of a 17-year-old male who is currently in police custody, and some individuals are using this to bring violence and disorder to our streets.

“We have already said that the person arrested was born in the UK and speculation helps nobody at this time.”

Riot police charged the crowds of hundreds after a police van was set alight and other police vehicles were damaged on Tuesday evening. Officers also deployed tear gas to try to fight back the angry crowds of predominantly men covering their faces.

Some officers appeared to be injured after plant pots and empty bins were among the missiles hurled at them and the Southport Mosque building while a group of people attempted to overturn a riot van.

As police tried to push the crowds back, some attacked yellow Matrix police vans by pulling at wing mirrors and jumping onto the roof.

Hundreds of youths and men gathered on the streets surrounding Hart Street, where Monday’s knife attack took place. Demonstrators were heard shouting Islamophobic slogans as well as “no surrender”, “English till I die” and “we want our country back” as a police helicopter circled overhead.


The Police statement is here:

It sounds similar to the Knowsley disturbance last year. That resulted in several prison sentences. It’s a pity the prisons are all full now.

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If he is a child of Rwandan Parents, as has been suggested, then he likely to be Christian. 93% of Rwandan’s are.

But brown person. Attack a Mosque. Jesus fucking Christ, the fucking gristle these idiots have for brains.

And for gods sake don’t go on Social media. It’s dark. If you weren’t convinced this country is backsliding into fascism, you will be by the time you’ve spent five minutes on a YouTube comments thread.


The families are grieving and coming to terms with what just happened yesterday and the community held a vigil to those who died.
Then, you get the EDL bringing in these drunkard scum taking advantage of a tragedy, coming from outside of Southport to riot in town to entice hate. It is a disgrace, the Southport community are already traumatised, now these yobs have created a dangerous situation. They have made it worse for the police to try and control the area.

When the media give a platform to people like Farage, Tice, Robinson, Fox, Lee Robinson (including Braverman, Patel, Badenoch) to spout their hatred for the ethnic minorities and muslims, it creates tension, suspicion and divisions. These people have emboldened the racists to come out of the woodwork.

Leave Southport community to grieve in peace.


We’ll need to know the colour of his skin before we can start that kind of conversation.

You know the drill. White guy = Disturbed loner. Brown person = Terror attack! multiculturalism has failed! Burn the mosques!

It’s interesting that nobody felt the need to riot last week when that white lad killed three people with a crossbow.


This lady was brave tonight. We have to start healing together as one community and not let the racists win.


I mean, if this doesn’t fucking terrify you to your core, there is something wrong with you.

I think Brian Cox was entirely true when he said the solution to the Fermi Paradox was that societies don’t survive the invention of social media.


This thread is an eye-opener, well worth a read.


Back in Australia for a few weeks, I’m fucking horrified to read what has been going on.

Fuck every one of those deplorable cunts. And fuck every piece of shit whose unfounded demonisation of others allowed this cancer to fester.

It’s disgusting.


Every piece of shit who has ever expressed explicit or implicit support for their garbage is culpable for this.

Every nod, wink, whistle…they all have this on their hands.


They deserve to be ostracised from society until they recant their views… But they’ll be feted for them instead.

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He fails to use the phrase “incitement to riot”. I suspect that is difficult to prosecute for the anonymous foreign accounts but many of those have names and addresses.

I’d also look at whether X can be held liable.