Breaking News Thread

Advocating for caution in not drawing conclusion based on preliminary unconfirmed reports in the immediate aftermath of an incident like this ALWAYS ages well, even if some of those reports turn out to be accurate. Otherwise you end up with irresponsible statements about an attack perpetrated by US born military veteran like this…



I was wondering for a while if this was a better-executed false flag attack like the recent Magdeburg one.


Oh look who crawled out of the sewers, just in time to slag off a Muslim.


Unfortunately, this is a guy that could have been caught before the act:

Not having read the details, I have some unanswered questions regarding his family, if they indeed saw or heard about these videos.

Then again, I read this and I have even more questions regarding why no one made a phone call to authorities:

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Also a fair few questions regarding this one (clash report is a Turkish propaganda-like channel, but no reason why this particular news would not be accurate, since it’s not something you “lie” about when spinning a yarn).

Oh (though this is speculative since it’s a big app with many users, but still).

Weird. Trump back in office and we are seeing car bombings and terrorist attacks.

Strap yourselves in, this is gonna be a long four years.


If the attacks are in some way connected to Trump’s return, the terrorists would have a bigger impact by doing it on his actual return in a couple of weeks. Why do it now while Biden is still in power. So I don’t think its helpful to try to forcefully link it to a political power, people who have gone crazy over a cause they think they are getting behind don’t act rationally. These perpetrators must have heard a holy voice telling them that today is a great day to kill some people for the greater good.

Has this been officially classed as an act of terrorism?

I live in the UK where the bar is higher than David Coote on a 3 day bender.

You spelt mass murderer wrong

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At least the New Orleans one, the FBI is investigating it as an act of terrorism, so to be absolutely correct, it’s not yet classified a confirmed act of terrorism. That is to correct myself in my above post too.

Yes I’m sure that was the main motivation of the post, not the other things.

You seem more motivated in unearthing a racist connotation than showing concern for 15 dead people

You seem more motivated in defending a racist connotation than showing concern for 15 dead people

I didn’t see a racist connotation.
Genuinely interested to know what you deemed to be racist in what he posted

“This aged well” in response to a post pointing out that people were speculating that the perpetrator was Muslim, and that there was no solid information otherwise. That suggests discriminatory intent, and is far more awful than your concern about me supposedly not showing concern for 15 dead people.

Oddly enough I didn’t call it racist to begin with, you did. I literally copied your words, and replaced “unearthing” with “defending”. Who’s the one seeing racism?

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Yes, you’re a dab hand at ‘suggestions’.

No more than you are at ignoring anything with discriminatory intent.

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You’ve decided the intent, no-one else

Yes, what other intent can there be in pointing that out?

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